to determine expected credit loss (“ECL”) that may
occur over either a 12 month period or the remaining
life of a financial asset, depending on the
classification of individual assets into risk categories
("stages"), taking into account the impact of future
macroeconomic conditions on the level of credit risk
The Bank’s loan portfolio consists of exposures
assessed for expected credit losses:
on an individual basis for individually
significant credit exposures; and
with the use of statistical models which
estimate allowances for credit losses for each of the
homogenous portfolios identified by the Bank.
Estimating the level of allowances for expected
credit losses requires the application of a significant
degree of judgment with regard to the identification
of impaired loans and significant increase in credit
risk, the assessment of the customer's credit quality,
the value of collateral and expected recoveries.
The management monitors the accuracy of
performance of the models, by comparing the
estimated results of the models to actual credit
losses (‘back-testing procedures’) to ensure that the
level of allowances for the expected credit losses for
loans and advances to customers is adequate.
In the models of expected credit losses the Bank
uses the large volumes of data, therefore the
completeness and reliability of data can significantly
impact accuracy of the allowances for credit losses.
COVID-19 global pandemic significantly impacted
management’s determination of the allowances for
expected credit losses and required the application
of additional level of judgment. In order to address
the uncertainties inherent in the current and future
macroeconomic environment and to reflect all
relevant risk factors not captured in the Bank’s
modelled results, the management applied expert
judgment and recognized allowance for the impact of
the COVID-19 pandemic on the forecasted
deterioration in the quality of the loan portfolio.
We determined that the level of allowance for
expected credit losses is a key audit matter due to:
the significant judgment applied by
management when designing future macroeconomic
scenarios and forecasting macroeconomic variables,
adopting probability-weighting scenarios and
applying expert credit judgment to reflect
characteristics not already considered in the models;
a high degree of estimation uncertainty due
to the economic impacts of COVID-19 pandemic
which led to a high degree of auditor judgment;
for expected credit losses, especially the changes
applied to address the uncertainties resulting from
the COVID-19 global pandemic.
We tested the effectiveness of controls applied by
the management related to the recognition and
measurement of credit losses including, among
others, controls over:
the completeness and accuracy of input data
verification of the models of probability of
default (PD), loss given default (LGD) and other
the design of future macroeconomic
scenarios, forecasted macroeconomic variables, and
the probability-weighting of these scenarios;
the application of expert judgements.
In the area of statistical models, we performed the
following procedures, for which we involved our
internal specialists in the area of credit risk
the assessment whether the Bank’s
methodology related to the estimation of expected
credit losses is in line with the requirements of IFRS
9, in particular verification of the Bank’s approach to
applying the criteria to identify significant increase in
credit risk, default definition, PD and LGD
parameters and including forward-looking
information when calculating expected credit losses;
evaluating the appropriateness of the Bank’s
assumptions and expert credit judgment used in the
critical analysis of key judgments and
assumptions, including macroeconomic scenarios
and the probability-weightings assigned to particular
analysis of the model’s stability and
adaptation to current conditions;
independent tests of the credit risk
In the area of the individually assessed exposures,
we performed the following procedures:
we selected a sample taking into account
various risk criteria based on our professional
for selected loans and advances we
checked the stage classification as at the balance
sheet date;
for selected impaired loans and advances
(stage 3) we tested the assumptions used in the
expected credit loss allowances’ calculation,
particularly expected scenarios and probabilities