Impairment of shares in subsidiaries and in
jointly controlled entities
In Note 18 to the financial statements, the Company
disclosed information on impairment tests of its
shares in subsidiaries, including in ENEA
Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o., Enea Elektrownia Połaniec
S.A., Enea Ciepło Sp. z o.o., Enea Nowa Energia
Sp. z o.o. and Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A.., as
well as in jointly controlled entities – Polska Grupa
Górnicza S.A. and Elektrownia Ostrołęka Sp. z o.o.
This Note disclosed test results, assumptions used
to calculate the value in use and an analysis of
sensitivity of the calculations to a reasonably
expected change in the key assumptions used in the
calculation of the recoverable amount of
subsidiaries, as well as method of assessing the
impairment of jointly controlled entities.
As at 31 December 2020, the carrying amount of
Investments in subsidiaries, associates and jointly
controlled entities amounted to PLN 9 513 million,
which accounts for 49% of the Company's assets. In
2020, following the impairment tests, the Company
recognised an impairment loss on shares in
in the amount of PLN 3 135 million
and additional impairment loss on shares in Polska
Grupa Górnicza S.A. in the amount of PLN 254
At the end of the reporting period, in accordance
with IAS 36 “Impairment of Assets”, the Company’s
Management Board analyses the indicators of
impairment, and for assets for which there are
indicators of impairment or a decrease in previously
recognised impairment loss, impairment tests are
carried out as at the reporting date.
Calculation of the recoverable amount involves a
number of assumptions and judgements to be made
by the Management Board of the Company,
including the strategy of the group Enea S.A.,
financial plans and cash flow projections for
subsequent years, as well as macroeconomic and
market assumptions (mainly concerning electricity
prices, fuel prices, prices of CO
allowances, the support system for renewable
energy sources and the power market).
Considering the materiality of these items in the
financial statements, as well as the sensitivity of the
results of the aforementioned test to the
assumptions made, we have conducted an
extensive analysis of this matter.
Our procedures included, without limitation,
the following:
understanding and assessing the process
of identifying evidence of impairment of
verifying the mathematical correctness
and methodological consistency (using
internal valuation specialists from PwC) of
the valuation model based on discounted
cash flows developed by the Company's
Management Board;
critical assessment of assumptions and
estimates made by the Company's
Management Board to determine the
recoverable amount of non-current
assets, including but not limited to:
- the period of future cash flow projections
and the level of revenues, operating
margin and expenditures necessary to
maintain operations in the unchanged
scope assumed therein,
- the discount rate applied (based on the
weighted average cost of capital),
- the marginal growth rate after the
projection period if such rate was used
in the calculation of the recoverable
assessing the analysis of sensitivity of
assumptions that may affect the valuation
result, carried out by the Management
critical assessment of data relating to
jointly controlled entities, including in
particular information on net assets
related to these companies;
assessing the accuracy and
completeness and disclosures in the
financial statements.