or otherwise unusual, and/or valuations showed unexpected movements, we undertook further
investigations and, when necessary, held further discussions with the external appraisers
and the Management;
- analytical review, including the reasonableness of fair value movements in comparison
with expectations built on the knowledge gained during the audit process;
- assessment of the appropriateness and completeness of the disclosures relating to the investment
property valuation presented in notes of the consolidated financial statements.
2 Financing and debt covenants
The outstanding bonds, loans and borrowings amount to 1,299,451 thousand euro and constitute 45.7%
of total assets of the Group as at 31 December 2021 (31 December 2020: 50.8%).
For the majority of loans and bonds, the entities of the Group have to meet certain covenants
specified in the loan and bond agreements.
Covenants’ calculation depends to a large extent on investment property valuations as described
in “Valuation of investment property” point above. These valuations are based on estimates
and assumptions, including expectations of future economic and market developments which may be
uncertain and, therefore, may change in the future. Additionally, the ability of the Group’s entities
to meet debt covenants in the foreseeable future may depend also on events after reporting date,
including effect of the Covid-19 pandemic. Finally, covenants’ calculation results may affect
the Group’s liquidity, as well as current and non-current liabilities presentation.
The availability of adequate financing and the assessment whether the Group will continue to meet its
financial covenants are significant aspects of our audit due to possible impact on the Group’s ability
to continue as a going concern. Therefore, we consider this to be a key audit matter.
Disclosures in the Financial Statements
The disclosures regarding the covenants, loan and bond agreements and amendments are presented in
notes 9 and 28 of the consolidated financial statements. In the notes 4 and 38 the Group presented its
assessment of the going concern assumption, including Covid-19 effects on the Group’s operations,
financial position and performance.
Audit Procedures Performed in Response to the Risk
We documented our understanding of the financing process and the Group’s control systems
on the debt covenants’ compliance and liquidity management. We also documented our understanding
of the Group Management’s calculation process of the debt covenant ratios in accordance
with the loan and bonds agreements.
Our audit procedures, among others, included:
- analysis of debt covenants’ requirements resulting from the loan and bond agreements, including
the covenant ratios and potential events of default;
- analysis of the Group’s assessment of debt covenants’ compliance and going concern assumption;
- assessment of compliance - estimated by the Group’s Management - with applicable financial
covenants’ requirements by performing recalculation of these covenants as at 31 December 2021
on a sample basis of covenants;
- consideration of the events after the reporting date, including potential impact of the Covid-19
pandemic (i.a. decrease in shopping malls turnover on the future investment property valuations,
which are subject to financing collaterals), on the uncertainty of meeting debt covenants
and the Group liquidity in the foreseeable future and, consequently, the impact of this events
on the going concern assumption assessment;
- analysis of the Group’s stress tests - the cash flow projections based on certain hypothetical
defensive assumptions to assess the reasonableness of the going concern assumption in view