The Bank provides credit services effectively and professionally, respecting the interests of customers and the
expectations of the Bank's shareholders regarding the increase in the value of ING Bank Śląski S.A. and taking
into account the requirements resulting from the competitive environment,
The Bank does not enter into transactions, credit exposures without learning and understanding the economic
basis of transactions,
The Bank accepts credit risk if it is able to control it effectively and – if payments are not made – the Bank is
able to implement credit recovery procedures,
The Bank does not approve exposures in which it may be exposed to reputational risk,
The Bank takes decision concerning new types or areas of credit exposures (e.g. new markets, market
segments, client groups, products) subject to prior analysis and review of new opportunities and the related
In its business relations, the Bank applies the principle of “equal rights” – it requires the same documents and
information from the same clients (in terms of credit risk) and pays special attention to equal treatment,
The Bank is involved in open communication with clients with respect to information requirements in the credit
In its cooperation with business partners, the Bank complies with the following principles:
it verifies its business partners with whom the Bank collaborates in credit distribution,
it holds procedures of workflow between clients, business partners and the Bank,
it holds in place quality control procedures of business partners,
it does not grant powers of attorney or authority to take credit decisions in the name and on behalf of the
Bank to grant (distribute) loans,
it determines the acceptable risk level for each distribution channel,
it monitors the quality of the loans granted through by its business partners.
Credit risk management
The Bank manages credit risk both at the level of credit exposure portfolio and at the level of individual transactions.
Risk management of the loan exposure portfolio
The objective of managing the credit risk of the Group's portfolio is to ensure the development of the portfolio in
accordance with the adopted strategy, while maintaining the capital ratios of the Group and the Bank at an
acceptable level, resulting from regulatory requirements, established risk appetite and planned changes in the
structure of own funds.
Credit risk management of the loan exposure portfolio is performed with the following:
defining the credit risk management strategy,
agreeing with the business party on the quality parameters and quantitative parameters of RAS/their level,
development, implementation and monitoring of implementation of credit policies,
analysis of the macroeconomic situation and individual sectors and generation of guidelines relating to
lending directions,
development and implementation of credit products,
setting authority levels to approve deviations from credit policies and product exceptions,
development and implementation of tools supporting risk measurement and assessment.
analysis and assessment of credit processes and the scope of functional controls,
administration of the credit exposure portfolio,
training of staff members participating in the credit process,
development and maintenance of an incentive system for employees, focused on compliance with internal
credit standards.
Managing the credit risk profile, the Bank:
determines, monitors and reports internal concentration limits for economic sectors, types of collateral,
regions and mortgage-backed credit exposures,
monitors and analyses the quality of accepted collateral,
monitors and reports compliance with prudential standards resulting from Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of June 26, 2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and
amending Regulation (EU) No. 648/2012 and the Banking Law,
determines, monitors and reports internal concentration limits for each sub-portfolio,