affected by the inherent risk of uncertainty of the
estimations made for the purpose of their
measurement, and is sensitive to the underlying
assumptions. The value of the investment properties
depends on the adopted measurement method and
assumptions, such as the discount rate and
capitalization rate, expected rental income and various
multipliers which are based on the subjective
assessment of unquantifiable factors such as the
location of the property.
In 2022 the Group incurred a loss from revaluation of
investment property of EUR 27 million, which was
recognized in the consolidated income statement.
Taking into consideration the materiality of the
investment properties in the Group consolidated
financial statements and significant estimation
uncertainty related to their valuation, we considered the
fair value measurement of investment properties to be
a key audit matter.
e) performing a critical assessment of the
assumptions adopted and estimations made
by the Group to determine the fair value, in
particular, checking – on a selected sample –
the following elements of the valuation
• the adopted approach, valuation
methodology and techniques which depend
on the type of the property assessed;
• in case of properties which generate
revenue, detailed tests were conducted in
respect of:
- the assumptions relating to revenue: the
amount of unit rental fee, the assumed level
of vacancies, the assumed rent free period,
revenue from sources other than lease;
- cost-related assumptions: the amount of the
property maintenance costs, the adopted
model for settling costs with lessees; the
agency commission;
- the assumptions relating to capitalization/
discount rates;
- input data on which the valuations were
based, i.a. consistency with the terms of the
lease agreements;
f) assessing the appropriateness and
completeness of disclosures in respect of the
fair value measurement of the investment
property in the consolidated financial