to actual credit losses (backtesting procedures)
and performing periodic quantitative validation of
the models.
In the models of expected credit losses, the Bank
uses large amounts of data, therefore the
completeness and reliability of data may
significantly affect the accuracy of allowances for
credit losses.
We considered allowances for expected credit
losses for loans and advances portfolio as a key
audit matter due to:
high degree of uncertainty
related to the estimation of the
allowance for expected credit
losses due to dynamic changes
in the economic environment
which affect the credit risk
parameters used in the models
for estimating expected credit
judgement used by the
Management Board in modelling
future scenarios and forecasting
macroeconomic variables;
the complexity of the audit
procedures and the audit
evidence obtained due to the
complexity of the calculations
and the amount of data used to
estimate the allowances for
expected credit losses.
Note 2.5
Use of estimates
, Note 2.7
accounting policy information
, Note 3
and Note 21
Loans and advances to
in the separate financial statements
provide information on the models and
assumptions used and the level of
allowances for
the expected credit losses in the portfolio of loans
and advances to customers.
assessment whether the Bank’s
methodology related to the
estimation of expected credit
losses is in line with the
requirements of IFRS 9, in
particular assessment of the
Bank’s approach to applying the
criteria to identify significant
increase in credit risk, default
definition, PD and LGD parameters
and including forward-looking
information when calculating
expected credit losses;
challenging key judgments and
assumptions, including
macroeconomic scenarios and the
probability-weightings assigned to
particular scenarios;
independent tests of the selected
credit risk parameters.
In the area of the individually assessed exposures,
we performed the following procedures:
we selected a sample taking into
account various risk criteria based
on our professional judgement;
for selected loans and advances
we checked the correct stage
classification as at the balance
sheet date;
for selected impaired loans and
advances (stage 3) we tested the
assumptions used in the expected
credit loss allowances’ calculation,
particularly expected scenarios
and probabilities assigned to them
and the timing and amount of
expected cash flows, including
cash flows from repayments and
realisation of collaterals.
Moreover, we performed the following procedures:
we reconciled selected input data
used for determining default