Dear Shareholders,
2024 was a good year for the banking sector in Poland, as well as for the Bank Pekao Group. The parameters of monetary policy did not change over the year. This supported maintaining the interest margin at a stable level, which, combined with the development of lending, contributed significantly to the profitability of banks.
The economic situation remains favorable for the quality of the sector's assets. The situation on the labor market, where wage growth has clearly exceeded the average price growth for some time now, and the economy is close to full employment, favors very low risk costs in the area of retail banking. In corporate banking, apart from individual cases of borrower problems, we do not observe negative credit events of a broader nature.
The banking sector, to a greater extent than Bank Pekao, continued to struggle with the problem of foreign currency mortgage loans. Although the scale of provisions for these loans has already reached a high level, this still does not mean the end of the problems. We owe the fact that systemic risk threatening the stability of the sector does not materialize to the favorable business environment. I am anxious about other legal risks that are looming on the horizon.
The large share of treasury bonds in bank balance sheets means that the banking sector remains more dependent on investors' valuation of the risk of these instruments as a derivative of the development of the country's economic situation. The scale of the announced public investments is optimistic. I hope that it will be a driving force for the growth of private investments and the improvement of the economic situation. Consequently, it will allow for more effective allocation of capital entrusted to banks. We are ready to wait for the growth of investment activity of enterprises. We hope that the banking sector will be able to better use its potential.
The geopolitical situation in the world and its consequences for the Polish economy have gained in importance, which will not be without significance for the economic situation in Poland. In the perspective of 2025, we expect a moderate easing of monetary policy, which will have the greatest impact on the profitability of the banking sector and Bank Pekao. The expected reduction in interest rates may be a signal for investments. Other trends that have been visible in the banking sector and Bank Pekao for some time now, such as cost pressure, low share of commission income, stable risk costs will continue. I see increased activity in the area of mergers and acquisitions of European banks, which may have an impact on the banking sector in Poland.
Financial results
Operating income in 2024 amounted to PLN 16.0 billion, which was 6% higher than income achieved in 2023, mainly due to net interest income. Net interest income earned in 2024 amounted to PLN 12.7 billion and was 7% higher than in the previous year, thanks to higher volumes and a stable interest margin, despite the inclusion of the costs of the so-called credit holidays in the amount of PLN 153 million. Net fee and commission income achieved in 2024 amounted to PLN 2.9 billion and was only 2% higher than in the previous year, which resulted from the fact that the Bank's fee table has not changed significantly for several years. The aforementioned small increase was achieved, among others, thanks to higher fees from investment funds, thanks to higher gross sales and a higher level of assets under management. Operating expenses in 2024 amounted to PLN 5.2 billion and were higher by PLN 0.6 billion, i.e. by 13% compared to 2023, mainly due to inflationary indexation of salaries, variable parts of personnel costs related to the result and the reserve for the voluntary departure program. The result of write-offs for expected credit losses of the Bank Pekao Capital Group in 2024 increased to PLN 0.8 billion, i.e. by 41%
y/y. Risk costs in 2024 amounted to 0.48% and were higher by 0.12 p.p. compared to the previous year, i.e. in line with the strategic assumptions. Contributions to the BFG in 2024 amounted to PLN 239 million, and the bank tax PLN 898 million. In 2024, the Bank Pekao Capital Group generated PLN 6,376 million in net profit attributable to Bank Pekao shareholders, i.e. 4% less than in the previous year. The ROE ratio reached 21.2%.
Ignoring the cost of the so-called credit holidays and the cost of legal risk of foreign currency mortgage loans, the Bank Pekao Capital Group would generate a record net financial result of PLN 7.2 billion, higher by 4% than the previous year's result, and the return on capital calculated in this way would amount to 24%.
Credits and loans at the end of 2024 amounted to PLN 186.5 billion, higher by PLN 10.2 billion, i.e. 6% than at the end of December 2023. Retail customer loans at the end of 2024 amounted to PLN 83.8 billion, up by PLN 5.4 billion, or 7% year-on-year, while corporate loans, including non-treasury debt securities, reached PLN 102.7 billion and were PLN 4.8 billion, or 5% higher than at the end of December 2023.
Amounts due to customers, liabilities arising from the issue of debt securities at the end of December 2024 amounted to PLN 278.0 billion and were PLN 33.2 billion, or 13.5% higher than at the end of December 2023. Net assets of investment funds managed by Pekao TFI S.A. at the end of December 2024 amounted to PLN 32.2 billion and were PLN 8.0 billion, or 33% higher year-on-year.
In 2024, we increased our commercial activity, actively supported our clients in maintaining financial liquidity, continued to digitize and automate processes and implement advanced digital solutions.
In 2024, we opened 572,000 accounts for individual clients. We also achieved good acquisition results among young clients up to 26 years of age, opening 190,000 accounts for young people, which constitutes 33% of the total number of opened accounts. The number of active mobile banking clients increased by 295,000 to 3.4 million, exceeding the target assumed in the strategy at the end of 2024 (3.2 million). It was 9% higher than a year ago and 24% higher than two years ago.
Market position
We are growing faster than the market and rebuilding our market share in the market for loans to individual clients and enterprises by a total of +0.2 percentage points to 12.3% at the end of December 2024. We are strengthening our position in several areas loans for small and medium-sized enterprises, consumer loans and cash loans, and in recent months also in the scope of loans for microenterprises. We want to continue this, and a good basis for this are the positive trends in the sales of these products in 2024 the value of granted cash loans was higher by 22% y/y, and MICRO financing by 24% y/y. Our activities have gained recognition of clients, industry specialists, the market and the media, which translates into many awards and distinctions received both domestically and internationally. Bank Pekao won the prestigious title of "Bank of The Year in Poland" for the second year in a row from The Banker monthly magazine from The Financial Times group. For the seventh time, the Bank received the prestigious distinction "The Best Trade Finance Provider in Poland", won the ranking of The World's Best Foreign Exchange Providers and received the title of "The Best Foreign Exchange Provider in Poland" from Global Finance magazine. The bank received the awards "The Best Digital SME Lending" and "The Best Online Banking for SMEs" in the ranking organized by the SME Banking Club association.
Our current dividend policy provides for a profit payout in the range of 50-75%. We believe that these assumptions remain relevant in light of the current macroeconomic situation, as well as the current levels of capital ratios. The Bank reduced the NPL ratio below 5% at the end of the year, which paves the way for a payout of 75% - if the rules do not change. We have not yet received an individual recommendation, but the intention of the Bank's Management Board is to allocate 50% of the profit to dividend and 25% to the dividend fund and to retain the remaining part of the profit in order to develop banking activities.
We intend to be active on the bank debt market, conducting 1-2 benchmark issues per year over the next 2 years.
The period of validity of the Strategy 2021-24 has come to an end, which for obvious reasons I treat as historical. Intensive work is underway at the Bank on the Strategy for 2025-27, we will publish it soon. Without revealing the details, I can already signal today that I see further growth potential in the area of consumer loans and credits, savings products, the microenterprise segment, private banking and corporate banking. I see greater potential in the area of bancassurance than I thought before joining the Bank. I will also add that we are working at the Bank on better use of capital. We have made large investments in rejuvenating our customer base, achieving clear market success in this area. We are currently focusing on increasing their activity. The technological debt that has accumulated over the last 20 years requires urgent addressing.
Environmental, Social and Governance
We present our 2024 Sustainability Statement, which we have prepared for the first time in accordance with the new reporting requirements. This is an important step towards transparency and responsibility, as well as striving to set new standards in the area of sustainable development. The report is a summary of our activities for sustainable development and also shows our commitment to achieving goals related to environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance.
In the coming years, we will improve our reporting skills, address regulatory challenges in these areas in a responsible and balanced manner.
It seems that in 2024 we have reached the regulatory peak and the level of legal attack on banks. With hope and determination, I will engage in activities that rationalize the banks' relations with customers, as well as restore the balance of contractual relationships.
I would like to thank the employees for their commitment and professionalism, without which all this would not have been achieved. I would like to thank the shareholders for the credit of trust you have in us, your faith in the value and development potential of Bank Pekao. I would like to thank the Supervisory Board for their support and good cooperation.
Finally, I would like to remind you that in 4 years we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Bank Pekao. Such an anniversary is an obligation. My ambition is to restore Bank Pekao to its former glory.
With respect,
Cezary Stypułkowski