Letter of the President of the Management Board of mBank S.A. to the Shareholders
Dear Shareholders,
In 2024, the number of challenges and a scale of uncertainties faced by the Polish banking sector did not diminish, and the macroeconomic, geopolitical, regulatory and business operating environment did not become any less complex. We saw an increasing build-up of legal risk with regard to the activities conducted by lenders. In addition to unfavourable rulings in Swiss franc mortgage cases, there were attempts to sue financial institutions on other grounds, such as the so-called “free loan sanction” or challenging the WIBOR rate. Stable and high interest rates provided vital support for the banks’ financial results. Following the two cuts by a total of 100 basis points in the autumn 2023, the Monetary Policy Council did not decide to make any changes throughout 2024. Lending remained subdued, and investment growth continued at low level.
The year 2024 was very successful for us financially and brought several records in terms of results. We achieved the highest net profit in the history of mBank Group, totalling more than PLN 2.2 billion, thanks to revenue growth, good cost discipline and lower loan loss provisions. We were able to do this despite the fact that each of last year’s quarters was still significantly burdened by the cost of legal risk associated with the portfolio of foreign currency mortgage loans, which in total reduced the reported result by PLN 4.3 billion. I would like to emphasise that since the beginning of the Swiss franc saga, the provisions have consumed PLN 16.5 billion, which is the equivalent of mBank's equity.
One of our priorities in 2024 was to effectively manage the issue of foreign currency loans in order to limit the risks and losses they generate for the bank. We did not slow down in concluding settlements. During the year, we signed nearly 10,000 of them, including with borrowers in dispute. In total, since the start of the programme in September 2022, we have reached 22,900 agreements with clients. In parallel, we have seen a steady decline in the inflow of new lawsuits for five consecutive quarters. There has also been a consistent decrease in the number of active contracts and pending court cases, which fell by 25% to 16,000 in 2024. These trends and significant buffers in the form of provisions allow us to expect 2025 to be the last year materially burdened by legal risk costs.
In 2024, we generated record-high total revenues of PLN 12.0 billion. Their main component was the best-ever net interest income of nearly PLN 9.6 billion. On a comparable basis, i.e. excluding the impact of “credit holidays”, it grew by 10.3% year-on-year. Favourable interest rate environment in Poland, active shaping of the product and term structure of the balance sheet, as well as enhanced management of deposit offer allowed for improvement of the net interest margin by 16 basis points compared to 2023 to 4.35%. Net commission income was higher by 2.9% year-on-year and approached PLN 2.0 billion. Elevated costs related to client compliance processes and intermediation in the sale of products were offset by positive dynamics of fees from payment cards, bank accounts, transfers, lending activity and insurance.
We maintained leading operational efficiency, as evidenced by the cost-to-income ratio of 28.2%. Despite significant inflationary pressure, we managed spending within approved limits and defined budgets. Total costs increased in relation to 2023 by 10.2% to PLN 3.4 billion. Compulsory contributions paid by the bank were down by 19.3% year-on-year and only included a charge to the Resolution Fund set by the Bank Guarantee Fund for 2024 in the amount of PLN 147 million. The double-digit dynamic of personnel expenses was a function of salary increases for our employees and development of headcount in the Group, which expanded by 250 FTEs during the year. Material costs went up in the IT, consulting services and marketing area, reflecting ongoing business and regulatory projects aimed at enhancing customer experience, strengthening cybersecurity, ensuring compliance and modernising our digital platforms.
The marked reduction in risk costs, which reached 49 basis points in 2024, was a confirmation of good financial standing of our clients and prudent underwriting policies. The annual change in potential impairment losses was partially distorted by negative one-off effects that inflated the base in 2023. The high quality of our assets was evidenced by the NPL ratio, oscillating well below the average for the Polish sector. At the end of 2024, it stood at 4.1%, supported by regular sales of non-performing receivables and effective debt collection and restructuring processes.
In order to present the genuine and undistorted performance of the company, we used to show the profitability of core business, i.e. for mBank Group excluding FX Mortgage Loans segment. Return on equity (ROE) achieved from the main activity without the burden of the legacy CHF portfolio totalled 39.7% in 2024. It corresponded to a net profit of more than PLN 5.6 billion, illustrating mBank’s internal strength and ability to generate revenue amid disciplined cost management and keeping loan loss provisions under control. The reported ROE stood at 14.8% and was the highest since 2011.
Last year we devoted a lot of attention to strengthening our capital position in order to pave the way for further, more dynamic organic growth. In December 2024, mBank successfully executed its inaugural issuance of Additional Tier 1 capital bonds with a nominal value of PLN 1.5 billion, which were included in own funds. This landmark transaction constituted the first broad offering of this type of instrument in Poland. At the same time, we focused on balancing the increase in total risk exposure amount (TREA) caused by business expansion and model changes. In November 2024, mBank concluded its fourth synthetic securitisation, carried out on the portfolio of corporate loans. The initial exposure size amounted to PLN 5.2 billion and may be increased to PLN 7.0 billion in H2 2025. The combined positive impact of the two transactions on the capital position reached 1.9 percentage points. As a result, consolidated Tier 1 ratio amounted to 14.5% and the total capital ratio was equal to 15.9%. The surplus over the regulatory minima determined by the Polish FSA exceeded considerably the bank’s strategic target of 2.5 percentage points at year-end, with +5.4 and +4.8 percentage points over the requirements, respectively. We also decided to propose not paying dividends from the profit earned in both 2024 and 2025. In addition, among our achievements in regularly obtaining financing in international markets was another issuance of green bonds in the preferred senior format worth EUR 500 million carried out in September 2024, which was heavily oversubscribed. Thanks to this transaction, mBank comfortably fulfilled its MREL TREA requirement with a ratio of 23.5%, placing it 5.0 percentage points above the required level.
Our efforts in 2024 were concentrated on revival and expansion of business volumes to regain our market shares. We achieved record levels of new loan sales. We granted over PLN 10.5 billion of mortgages, which was a 2.5-fold increase compared to the previous year. The production of consumer loans was higher by 31.8% year-on-year. As a result, the retail portfolio, excluding shrinking foreign currency exposure, rose by 9.7% in relation to December 2023. The corporate segment also contributed positively, with a growth of customer financing by 6.7% year-on-year. Consequently, mBank Group’s total gross loans expanded by 6.6% to PLN 125 billion in 2024. The return to an upward path led to the improvement of market shares to 8.1% in credit to enterprises and 7.6% in household loans without FX. For most of 2024, we observed a stable inflow of customer funds. The total deposit base increased by 8.3% compared to the end of 2023 and for the first time exceeded PLN 200 billion. Its key component, i.e. balances on current and saving accounts in the retail segment, surged by 13.8% year-on-year. Active management of offered rates helped to maintain financing costs at favourable levels, in a situation of structural excess liquidity. These trends translated into market shares in total deposits of 8.4% and 10.8% in the household and enterprise segments, respectively.
Last year, we continued the implementation of mBank Group’s strategy for 2021–2025. Despite conditions that required ongoing adjustment of priorities and developing the business in an adaptive way, first and foremost, we took care of our clients by providing solutions tailored to their needs. In retail banking, we strongly promoted regular investing and encouraged to save for retirement by adding a pension calculator in the mobile application, which helps to determine the appropriate amount that should be put aside each month. We also developed functionalities for corporate clients, including a new advanced currency exchange module with personalisation option and considerably expanded possibilities of card management. From mid-December 2024, users of mBank’s application in Poland can buy 1.5 million products from about 2,000 categories in it. The service, developed in cooperation with Morele, one of the country’s largest marketplaces, offers all functionalities of popular e-commerce platforms.
As part of our strategy, we also focused on activities in the environmental, social and corporate governance dimensions. We treat activity in these areas as an integral part of our business, involving financial capital, expertise and technology. We support Poland’s energy transition by offering sustainable products to our clients. mBank’s portfolio of investments in renewable energy sources reached PLN 4.8 billion, and sales of mortgages for nearly zero energy buildings (NZEB-10% standard) rose to more than 13% of total volume of mortgage loans granted in 2024. We were the first bank in
Poland to submit decarbonization targets to SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative) to base our emission reduction plans on the latest scientific data. We support the financial health of our clients by providing them with personal finance management functionalities in the mobile application, which had already been actively used by more than 1.9 million users as at the end of December 2024. We proudly continue being a partner of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP) as a sponsor and an institution assisting the fundraisers and the foundation itself with financial services. The year 2024 was also a time of intense preparations for mBank Group to publish its first sustainability report in line with the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). We believe that the new disclosure standard will contribute to communication of our ESG efforts in a comprehensive and transparent manner.
I would like to thank our Shareholders for the trust you have placed in us, believing in the strong foundation of our business model and its potential for the future. We will make every effort to achieve the best possible results in the long term and build value for our stakeholders.
Yours sincerely,
Cezary Kocik,
President of the Management Board of mBank S.A.