
SERINUS ENERGY INC. Appointment of an auditor for the Company

15.05.2014, 16:11aktualizacja: 15.05.2014, 16:11

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Current report No: 22/2014

Legal basis: Article 56 Section 1 item 2 of the Offering Act - currentand periodic information

Referring to the current report No. 20/2014 as of May15, 2014 concerning resolutions adopted by the Annual and Special Meeting of the Shareholders of the SERINUS ENERGY INC. ("Meeting") the Management of SERINUS ENERGY INC. ("Issuer", "Company") announces that on May 14, 2014 the Meeting of Shareholders appointed an auditor for the Company. The appointed auditor is KPMG LLP, Chartered Accountants, with its registered seat at 2700, 205 - 5th Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The appointed auditor shall hold its office until the close of the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the Company.

A legal basis for the appointment of the auditor is the registrationwith the Canadian Public Accountability Board in accordance with Canadian securities regulations (National Instrument 52-108).

KPMG LLP, Chartered Accountants was first appointed as an auditor of theCompany on December 31, 2003 and since that date KPMG LLP, Chartered Accountants are the sole auditor of the Issuer providing services such as the audit of annual consolidated financial statements and review of consolidated interim financial statements.

The Issuer's auditor was appointed in compliance with the bindingprovisions of law and professional standards.

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Data publikacji 15.05.2014, 16:11
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