
AGORA SA Candidate to the Supervisory Board

29.05.2014, 20:30aktualizacja: 29.05.2014, 20:30

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Current report No: 13/2014

Candidate to the Supervisory Board of Agora S.A.

The Management Board of Agora S.A. with its seat in Warsaw (the "Company") informs that today, i.e. on May 29, 2014 it received information that according to § 21 section 1 (a) (i) of Agora's Statute and due to resignation of Mrs. Helena Luczywo from her participation in the Supervisory Board of the Company about which the Company informed in regulatory filing no. 9/2014 published on May 28, 2014, Agora-Holding sp. z o.o., the shareholder holding 100% of the registered preferred series A shares, submitted the following person as candidate for the Supervisory Board of Agora S.A. to replace Mrs. Helena Luczywo: Wanda Rapaczynski Associated with the Company almost since its inception.

In 1998-2007 and from June 28, 2013 to March 12, 2014 served as the CEO of the management board. Under her leadership, Agora grew into one of the largest and most well-known media companies in Central and Eastern Europe. After resignation from the function of the Company's CEO she remained associated with Agora, as an advisor to the supervisory board until her appointment to the supervisory body. In 2009-2013 she was member of the supervisory board.She represented Agora in the European Publishers Council and the Polish Confederation of Private Employers, where she was a member of the main board and a member of the supervisory board of the Polish Private Media and Advertising Employers Confederation.In 1984-1992, she was the head of new product development in Citibank NA in New York. Previously, for two years she was the director of a research project at the Faculty of Psychology at Yale University, and from 1977-1979 research worker at Educational Testing Service in Princeton, New Jersey. Her professional career began as a psychology lecturer at universities in New York and Connecticut.She is a member of the supervisory board of Adecco SA since 2008, a Swiss company operating internationally, specialized in recruiting activities.In addition, she is a member of the Council of the Central European University in Budapest, where she chairs its Audit Committee. She was a member of the International Advisory Council at the Brookings Institution in Washington for many years. Since 2002 she is a member of Polish Group in the Trilateral Commission. She is also a member of the Agora Foundation Council.Wanda Rapaczynski is the recipient of numerous awards and honors. In the "Financial Times" ranking - the 25 most influential women in business (Europe's Top 25 Women in Business) she was no. 5 in October 2006, no. 7 in 2005, and no. 8 in 2004. She was distinguished twice in the rankings published by "Wall Street Journal Europe" as one of 25 top business women in Europe in March 2002 and a year earlier as one of the 30 most powerful women in Europe. In the ranking of the weekly "Business Week" published in June 2001 she was in the top 50 Stars of Europe.She was born in 1947. In 1977 she received a Ph.D. in Psychology from City University of New York. A graduate of Yale University, School of Organization and Management, where in 1984 she received a Masters degree in Private & Public Management.

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Data publikacji 29.05.2014, 20:30
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