
GIEŁDA PAPIERÓW WARTOŚCIOWYCH W WARSZAWIE SA New dividend policy of the Warsaw Stock Exchange

30.10.2014, 00:37aktualizacja: 30.10.2014, 00:37

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Current report No: 30/2014

Legal basis: Article 56.1(1) of the Act on Offering - inside information

The Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange ("WSE", "Company") informs that on 29 October 2014 it adopted a resolution amending WSE's dividend policy.The Company presents below the content of the new policy which will apply starting with the distribution of the profit for the financial year 2014:"It is the intention of the WSE Management Board to recommend to the General Meeting a dividend payment according to the profitability and financial capacity of WSE, at a level exceeding 60% of the consolidated net profit of the WSE Group for the financial year attributable to the shareholders of WSE, adjusted for the share of profit of associates. The dividend will be paid annually after the General Meeting approves the financial statements of the Company. Furthermore, it is the intention of the WSE Management Board to recommend to the General Meeting a dividend payment from the WSE net profit for 2014 at PLN 2.40 gross per share and a dividend payment from the WSE net profit for 2015 at PLN 2.60 gross per share.When deciding the amount of dividend to be recommended at each time to the General Meeting, the WSE Management Board will at each time take into account among others the following pertinent factors:- investment needs derived from the implementation of the WSE Group's strategy,- dividend yield and dividend payout rate of other peer companies,- liquidity needs of the WSE Group depending on current and expected market and regulatory conditions, current operating expenses and debt service,and optimisation of the structure of financing of the WSE Group."

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Data publikacji 30.10.2014, 00:37
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