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Since June, the Cook Islands Tourism Corporation has been presenting itself to interested travelers on www.cookislands.travel with a completely renewed website. In the sections “Our Islands, Experiences, Where to Stay, Things to Do, Special Offers and How to book“, fans of the little paradise can find numerous tips and information. The renewed website is extremely user-friendly and is especially focusing on images and videos. Of course, the Cook Islands are also present on Instagram and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theCookIslands und https://www.instagram.com/cookislands/
Crystal clear water, 73 different species of corals and countless water sports activities
The crystal clear water with a sight up to 60 meters, 73 species of corals and hundreds of different species of fish make the Cook Islands a unique and giant underwater playground. From swimming or snorkeling to diving or Sea Scooter-Tours, from Stand-Up Paddling or fishing to surfing or kite-surfing – the offers are endless.
Especially for kite-surfers the Cook Islands are a true paradise: The best season is from May to October, during the trade wind season. The local operators offer courses, rent equipment and offer transfer to the best spots. The annual Manureva Aquafest Kitesurfing Competition in August is said to be one of the highlights for kite-surfers.
The Marae Moana-Law in the Cook Islands lays the foundation for the protection of over 1.8 million square kilometers of ocean area. The law also forbids commercial fishing in areas less than 50 nautical miles to the shore.
Find more information about the Cook Islands: www.cookislands.travel.
Please contact me at petra.maier@global-tourism.de if you are interested in discussing possible future PR projects such as press trips or PR coops.
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Data publikacji | 29.11.2019, 12:03 |
Źródło informacji | APA-OTS |
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