
PGNiG SA - Amendment to the agenda of the Annual General Meeting

17.04.2014, 16:10aktualizacja: 17.04.2014, 16:10

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Current report No: 54/2014

Warsaw, April 17th 2014

Amendment to the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of PGNiG SA convened for May 15th 2014

Current Report No. 54/2014

In view of the fact that the PGNiG Supervisory Board's term of officeexpires on May 1st 2014, the Management Board of Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA ("PGNiG" or the "Company") presents an amended agenda of the Annual General Meeting, containing additional item 11 reading as follows: "Adoption of resolutions on changes in the composition of the PGNiG Supervisory Board".

The existing item 11 reading: "Closing of the General Meeting" shall berenumbered as item 12.

The amended agenda:

1. Opening of the General Meeting,

2. Appointment of the Chairperson of the General Meeting,

3. Confirmation that the General Meeting has been duly convened and hasthe capacity to adopt resolutions,

4. Approval of the agenda,

5. Preparation of the attendance list,

6. Review and approval of PGNiG SA's financial statements for 2013 andthe Directors' Report on the Company's operations in 2013,

7. Review and approval of the PGNiG Group's consolidated financialstatements for 2013 and the Directors' Report on the Group's operations in 2013,

8. Adoption of resolutions to grant discharge to the members of thePGNiG Management Board in respect of the performance of duties in 2013,

9. Adoption of resolutions to grant discharge to the members of thePGNiG Supervisory Board in respect of the performance of duties in 2013,

10. Adoption of a resolution on distribution of net profit for 2013,allocation of retained earnings, setting of the dividend record date and dividend payment date,

11. Adoption of resolutions on changes in the composition of the PGNiGSupervisory Board,

12. Closing of the General Meeting.

See also: Current Report No. 50/2014 and Current Report No. 51/2014 ofApril 15th 2014.

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Data publikacji 17.04.2014, 16:10
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