
PKN ORLEN SA Exceeding the number of available Series F bonds and shortening of the bonds subscription period

24.04.2014, 10:34aktualizacja: 24.04.2014, 10:34

Pobierz materiał i Publikuj za darmo

Current report No: 138/2014

Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN Spolka Akcyjna ("PKN ORLEN") hereby informs that the subscription period for the Series F bonds has been shortened. The last day of subscription, defined in the final terms and conditions of the offer for 9 May 2014, is moved to 24 April 2014.

The number of subscripted Series F bonds was higher than the total number of offered Series F bonds in the period from the first day of subscription to 23 April 2014. This causes that on 23 April 2014 the Exceeding Day of Subscription, as defined in the point 5 of the part IV ("Information of the terms and conditions of the offer") of the prospectus approved by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority on 24 May 2013 ("Prospectus"), occurred. The investors, who made subscriptions from 9 April 2014 to 22 April 2014, will receive the Series F bonds in the number resulting from their subscription. The subscriptions made in the period from 23 April 2014 (inclusive) to 24 April 2014 (inclusive) will be reduced proportionally. The total number of bonds assigned to investors, who made subscription from 23 April 2014 (inclusive) to 24 April 2014 (inclusive), will be equal to the difference between the total number of offered Series F bonds and the total number of bonds assigned to investors, who subscribed from 9 April 2014 to 22 April 2014. The details of the method of reduction of subscription are specified in the Prospectus.

See also: regulatory announcement no 113/2013 dated 28 March 2013, regulatory announcement no 127/2013 dated 9 April 2013 and regulatory announcement no 119/2014 dated 8 April 2014.

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Data publikacji 24.04.2014, 10:34
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