
Rammelburg Castle as a potential residence for Elon Musk - invitation to visit

03.02.2025, 13:13aktualizacja: 03.02.2025, 13:16

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Peter Karl Jugl refers to the Bild article from January 30, titled “This Could Be Elon Musk’s New European Headquarters”. Jugl, Managing Director of Deutsche Baukultur Dienstleistungs GmbH, which owns Rammelburg Castle, is offering the visionary entrepreneur Elon Musk the historic property as a weekend retreat, holiday residence, or company headquarters. As a great admirer of Musk’s innovative projects and his commitment to the future of humanity, Jugl would even be willing to gift him the castle.

“I warmly invite Elon Musk to visit Rammelburg Castle in person and experience its unique atmosphere firsthand,” says Jugl.

Jugl is also the Managing Director of Thekenberge Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, which owns the world’s largest bunker complex, Komplexlager 12, also known by the codename Malachite. The bunker is located just an hour from the castle and could also be of interest to Musk.

With this extraordinary gesture, Peter Karl Jugl wants to offer Elon Musk an exclusive and inspiring retreat in Germany and would be delighted to welcome him to his castle.

- Picture is available at AP -

Press contact: 

Peter Karl Jugl 

Markkleeberg, Germany

Phone: +49 170 984 85 71

Reporting location: Rammelburg, Germany

Source: APA-OTS

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Data publikacji 03.02.2025, 13:13
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