
Registration of the change in the amount of the share capital of Cyfrowy Polsat in connection with the issuance of shares for the shareholders of Metelem Holding Company Limited

20.06.2014, 23:48aktualizacja: 20.06.2014, 23:48

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Current report No: 56/2014

The Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A.(the "Company") hereby informs that on 20 June 2014 it received the decision issued on 13 June 2014 by the District Court for the city of Warsaw in Warsaw, XIII Economic Division of the National Court Register, on the basis of which a new amount of the Company's share capital was entered into the register.

The registration of the new amount of theshare capital relates to 47,260,690 series I shares and 243,932,490 series J shares issued and delivered to the shareholders of Metelem Holding Company Limited, notified by the Company by way of its current report no. 45/2014.

The increase in the Company's share capital,in accordance with Article 452 § 1 of the Commercial Companies Code, was carried out on 14 May 2014 when the new shares were registered on the securities accounts of the acquirers. Following the increase, the Company's share capital amounts to PLN 25,581,840.64 and is divided into 639.546.016 shares. The total number of votes at the General Meeting is currently of 818,963,517.

The purpose of the registration was toupdate the data regarding the amount of share capital of the Company and the number of shares representing it in the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register.

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Data publikacji 20.06.2014, 23:48
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