
SOPHARMA AD Current report 104 re insiders transactions

06.10.2014, 18:01aktualizacja: 06.10.2014, 18:01

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Podstawa prawna: Art. 160 ust 4 Ustawy o obrocie - informacja o transakcjach osуb maj№cych dostкp do informacji poufnych

Current report No. 104/2014

Dated 6 October 2014


Sopharma AD (the "Company") announces that it was notified by Mr. Ognian Donev, Chairman of the Board of Directors that the company "Donev Investments Holding AD" related to him, executed the following transactions related to shares in the Company:

Date and time of the settlement Operation Number of shares Unit price (BGN)

29.09.2014 Sale 100 4.03

30.09.2014 Sale 200 4.03

30.09.2014 Sale 50 4.03

01.10.2014 Sale 200 4.035

01.10.2014 Sale 200 4.035

01.10.2014 Sale 300 4.035

03.10.2014 Sale 500 4.035

The transfer of the above-mentioned shares was executed on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange in Sofia (regulated market) by way of electronic trade.

Legal grounds: Art.160.4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005.

Signatures of individuals authorized to represent the Company:

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Data publikacji 06.10.2014, 18:01
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