
TVN SA informs

05.05.2014, 18:59aktualizacja: 05.05.2014, 18:59

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Current report No: 68/2014

The Management Board of TVN S.A. informs, that on April 11, 2014 it was informed that the Court registered an increase in the share capital of TVN S.A. The share capital of TVN S.A. has been increased from PLN 69,637,249.60 to PLN 69.697.896,80 as a result of issuing 26,000 bearer shares C1 series, 213,818 bearer shares C3 series, 21,880 bearer shares E2 series and 41,538 bearer shares E3 series. After the registration of this increase the share capital of TVN S.A. is split into 348,489,484 shares, each of PLN 0.20 nominal value of which: 161,815,430 registered shares A series, 1,390,000 registered shares B series, 17,150,000 registered shares D series and 168,134,054 bearer shares. After the registration of the increase of the share capital of TVN S.A., the number of votes on the General Shareholders Meeting of TVN S.A., resulting from the registered share capital of TVN S.A. amounts to z 348,489,484 votes. Each share gives one vote at the Shareholders Meeting of TVN S.A. The increase was conducted within the framework of the conditional capital increase resulting from execution of TVN Incentive Plan introduced on the base of resolutions adopted by the General Meeting of Shareholders of TVN S.A.

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Data publikacji 05.05.2014, 18:59
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