
Invitation to the FIT Reisen Press Meeting at the ITB 2013 - Launch of new Polish website

25.02.2013, 13:57aktualizacja: 25.02.2013, 13:57

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Topic: Launch of FIT Reisen's new Russian website for spa, health and wellbeing travel. Germany's leading health & spa tour operator expands to Poland.

Dear Sir or Madam

FIT Reisen was the first tour operator in the German speaking market to integrate Ayurveda, detox, fasting, medical wellness and health-holidays into its program. Today FIT Reisen has the largest offer in the market and continues its growth on the international market. We would like to take the opportunity to kindly invite you to our press meeting on ITB 2013, in order to introduce the new Polish website and reveal the new branding, further steps and latest trends for 2013.

Press Meeting - Health & Wellness Travel

New Polish brand and webpage for spa, health and wellbeing travel

Thursday, 7th March 2013 at 12.10 h

ITB Berlin 2013, Hall 16, area 103

We would be pleased to welcome you to our press meeting and kindly ask you to confirm you participation by fax to +49 69 96 36 68 22 or by E-mail to Please send back you contact details (Full Name, E-mail, Telephone, editorial office).

Don’t hesitate to contact us, if you have any further question: Phone: +49 69 -96 36 68 - 24 or E-mail:

With kind regards

Gunther Träger, Press Department FIT Reisen / C&C Contact & Creation GmbH


Christel Wagner

Phone: +49 69 - 96 36 68 - 24


Source: APA-OTS

Polish Press Agency is not responsible for the content of material published on the Web

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Data publikacji 25.02.2013, 13:57
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