
POLSKIE GÓRNICTWO NAFTOWE I GAZOWNICTWO SA Changes in the composition of the PGNiGSupervisory Board - supplementary information to Current Report

21.05.2014, 17:23aktualizacja: 21.05.2014, 17:23

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Current report No: 70/2014

As a supplement to Current Report No.66/2014 of May 15th 2014, the Management Board of Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA ("PGNiG", the "Company") provides additional information on the Members of the Supervisory Board appointed by the Annual General Meeting of PGNiG SA on May 15th 2014.

Mr Wojciech Chmielewski

Wojciech Chmielewski graduated from theUniversity of Wrocław in Polish Philology (1995) and Political Science (1998). He also completed postgraduate studies at Université de Strasbourg III in Politiques Publiques en Europe in 1997, and at the National School of Public Administration in Warsaw (KSAP) (2000). Since 2000, Mr Chmielewski has worked at the Ministry of State Treasury, currently as Director of the Ownership Transformation and Privatisation Department. During his career, he has served on the Supervisory Boards of such companies as Stocznia Gdynia SA, Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu SA, PKS Przemyśl Sp. z o.o. and Mostostal Wrocław SA. Since February 2009, he has served on the Supervisory Board of ENEA SA of Poznań and is currently its Chairman. Member of the Supervisory Board of PGNiG SA since January 12th 2012.

Mr Sławomir Borowiec

Sławomir Borowiec graduated from the AGHUniversity of Science and Technology in Kraków, Faculty of Drilling, Oil and Gas. He is also a graduate of The Jacob of Paradyż University of Applied Sciences in Gorzów Wielkopolski − Institute of Management and Finance, where he completed studies in Management and Marketing, and a graduate of the Koszalin University of Technology, where his principal field of study was Accounting − Accounting of Business Entities. In 1992, he joined Zielonogórski Zakład Górnictwa Nafty i Gazu and is currently Head of the Administrative Centre for Oil and Gas Production Facilities in Drezdenko. Mr Borowiec is a licensed Mine Operations Manager. In 2010, he received a title of Grade II Mining Director. In 2002, he passed an examination for candidates to supervisory boards of state-owned companies.

Mr Andrzej Janiak

Andrzej Janiak graduated from the AdamMickiewicz University of Poznań. He completed legal training for court judges (1980-1982) and has been legal counsel since 1987. Since 2005, he has held a post-doctoral degree of Habilitated Doctor (doctor habilitatus) in law. Mr Janiak has worked at the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań since graduation, and in 2008 became Professor at the Department of Civil, Commercial and Insurance Law. In 2009-2012, he was also Professor at the Department of Commercial Law of the Faculty of Management at the Poznań University of Economics, and since 2012 - at the Department of Civil and Commercial Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Szczecin University. He has worked as a chief specialist at the Poznań Branch of the National Bank of Poland and adviser to the President of Wielkopolski Bank Kredytowy SA. He has also served as an adjudicator in arbitration tribunals, as well as a legal consultant and litigation attorney for a number of companies. Member of the Supervisory Board of PGNiG SA since March 26th 2014.

Mr Bogusław Nadolnik

Mr Bogusław Nadolnik graduated from theWarsaw School of Economics, Faculty of Management and Marketing. He has also completed post-graduate studies in the field of Internal Audit and Internal Control at Instytut Organizacji i Zarządzania (Institute of Organisation and Management in Industry) ORGMASZ in Warsaw and Międzynarodowe Centrum Szkolenia i Doradztwa (International Training and Advisory Centre) Sp. z o.o. In 1990-1992, he completed studies in Small Business Management at Georgetown University Washington D.C. (US), where he started his professional career as an intern. After his return to Poland in 1994, he joined the Organisation Department of the Minister's Office as a senior specialist, and then served as acting Chief of the Minister's Office at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Economy. In 1996-2006, he worked for the Ministry of State Treasury as Deputy Director of the Treasury Finance Department, Deputy Director of the Budget and Finance Department, and acting Director of the State Aid Office. Between 2007-2008, he served as the Legionów County Secretary at the Legionów County Governor Office. In 2008, he went on to work at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, where he held the position of Under-Secretary of State. From 2008 until 2013, he served as Vice-President of the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARIMR). At present, he is Director of the Post-Privatisation Activity Department at the Ministry of State Treasury. Mr Nadolnik has served on the Supervisory Boards of the following state-owned companies: Legnicka Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna SA, Polimex-Cekop Sp. z o.o., Metalexport Sp. z o.o., Beskidzkie Tartaki Bestar SA, Bank Gospodarki Żywnościowej SA, VII Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny SA im. Kazimierza Wielkiego, Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu SA, Uzdrowisko Krynica Żegiestów SA, and Rolno-Spożywczy Rynek Hurtowy SA. On January 16th 2014, he was appointed to the Supervisory Board of ENERGA SA by virtue of an announcement of the Minister of State Treasury.

Mr Janusz Pilitowski

Janusz Pilitowski graduated from the WarsawSchool of Economics. He worked for Mennica Polska SA (the national mint) in 1985-2003, where he held a number of positions, including Chief Accountant, Chief Financial Officer, and then Member and President of the Management Board. In 2004, Mr Pilitowski joined the Brasco Group, where he was responsible for the biocomponent and liquid biofuels market. Since 2007, Mr Pilitowski has worked in public administration first at the Energy Regulatory Office and then at the Ministry of Economy. Currently, he is Director of the Renewable Energy Department of the Ministry of Economy. He has considerable experience as a member of supervisory bodies. Member of the Supervisory Board of PGNiG SA since January 12th 2012.

Ms Agnieszka Trzaskalska

Agnieszka Trzaskalska has completeddoctoral studies at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Warsaw University. She also holds a graduate diploma in law from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Silesia. Since 1999, she has been employed at the Ministry of State Treasury, where she has held various posts in owner supervision, corporate supervision and ownership transformations. At present, she serves as Deputy Director of the Ownership Transformation and Privatisation Department, where she coordinates and oversees the sale of shares in state-owned or partially state-owned companies. She has many years of experience in corporate law, owner supervision and corporate transformations, gained in a number of capacities including serving on the supervisory bodies of commercial-law companies and other entities, including as: Deputy Chairperson and Member of the Supervisory Board of TAURON POLSKA ENERGIA SA (2007−2014), Deputy Chairperson of the Supervisory Board of LOTOS Petrobaltic SA (2007−2012), and Board Member of the Foundation of the Polish Students' Parliament in Warsaw (2000-2003). Since 2012, she has served as Member of the Supervisory Board of Grupa LOTOS SA.

Mr Ryszard Wąsowicz

Ryszard Wąsowicz graduated from the Schoolof Law and Public Administration in Rzeszów with a Bachelor's Degree in Administration − Human Resources Management (continuation - Master's Degree programme). He started his professional career in 1978 at Sanocki Zakład Górnictwa Nafty i Gazu, working at the Husów gas extraction facility. In 1990−1992, he was a member of the Employee Council at Sanocki Zakład Górnictwa Nafty i Gazu, and in 1992−1996, for two (the fifth and sixth) terms of office, he was a member of the Employee Council at PGNiG SA. Until 1998, he was a member of the Consulting Board at PGNiG SA. In 1998, he completed a course for supervisory board members and passed a state exam before the State Treasury Commission. Since 1990, he has been delegated to work in trade union bodies. Mr Wąsowicz was nominated to the Supervisory Board of PGNiG SA by the President of the Trade Union of Workers of the Mining and Oil Industries (NSZZ Górników - Naftowców).

Ms Agnieszka Woś

Agnieszka Woś graduated with a Master'sDegree in Economics from the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów (Finance and Accounting) and the Cracow University of Economics (Operation and Development of Enterprises). In 2010, she was awarded a PhD degree in Economics − Management Sciences at the Cracow University of Economics. She has also completed a number of certified training programmes in project management, operation of enterprises and non-government organisations, as well as different aspects of the European Union. She is an expert in the area of development and implementation of loyalty schemes and implementation of acquisition projects, as well as an author of numerous publications in prestigious science and business magazines, including conference magazines in Poland. She worked at the Institute of Economics (Instytut Gospodarki) in Rzeszów, Solidex SA in Kraków, Polska Grupa Farmaceutyczna SA, and the Marshall's Office of the Rzeszów Province first as Head of the Ownership Supervision and Economic Analysis Department, and then as Head of the Ownership Supervision and Economic Analysis Office. At present, she serves as the Minister's Counsel coordinating work at the State Treasury Ministry's Strategic Companies Department. She is also the Founder and President of the Management Board of the Podkarpacka Akademia Rozwoju Foundation, as well as a lecturer at one of the higher education schools of the Rzeszów Province, and a Board Member at Podkarpacki Park Naukowo-Technologiczny Aeropolis (a science and technology park).

Ms Magdalena Zegarska

Magdalena Zegarska graduated from thePrivate University of Environmental Sciences (PWSOŚ) in Radom, where she obtained an Eng degree in Occupational Health and Safety. She also obtained a certificate of completion of studies in the field of Management of Large Enterprises from the School of Management and Marketing of the Business Initiatives Association in Warsaw. She has completed numerous training programmes and courses in psychology of team management. Secretary of the Employee Council of the second term of office. She is a Class I Mining Engineer. Ms Zegarska joined PGNiG SA in 1998 as an employee of the gas distribution facility. She then moved on to become a customer service specialist at the Mazovian Trading Division. At present, she works as a debt collection specialist at the Retail Trading Department at the PGNiG Head Office. In the course of her professional career, she has worked on numerous projects carried out for the benefit of PGNiG employees. She has received honorary awards for outstanding service to the Mazovian Trading Division, as well as to the Oil Mining and Gas Sector.

All the Members of the Supervisory Boardhave declared in their representations that they are not engaged in any activities competitive to PGNiG's business, they are not partners in any competitive civil-law partnership or another type of partnership, or members of the governing bodies of any company competitive to PGNiG, and are not entered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors maintained under the National Court Register Act.

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Data publikacji 21.05.2014, 17:23
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