
KGHM POLSKA MIEDŹ SA Change in the dates of publication of periodic reports

10.07.2014, 13:33aktualizacja: 10.07.2014, 13:33

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Current report No: 21/2014

The Management Board of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. announces a change in thedates of publication of the following periodic reports:

- half-year report for the first half of 2014 - the report will bepublished on 13 August 2014;- consolidated half-year report for the first half of 2014 - the report will be published on 13 August 2014; and- consolidated quarterly report which contains quarterly financial information for the third quarter of 2014 - thereport will be published on 13 November 2014.

Legal basis: § 103 sec. 2 of the Decree of the Minister of Finance dated19 February 2009 regarding current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and conditions for recognising as equivalent information required by the laws of a non-member state (unified text: Journal of Laws 2014.133)

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Data publikacji 10.07.2014, 13:33
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