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The 70th Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising - press conference

22.07.2014, 19:12aktualizacja: 22.07.2014, 19:12

Pobierz materiał i Publikuj za darmo

The 70th Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, one of the most momentous events in the 20th-century history of Poland, is drawing near. The commemorations in Warsaw will start soon.

All journalists are welcome to attend the press conference scheduled for Monday, 28 July, 12 noon (the Town Hall, pl. Bankowy 3/5, Room 131), to see the signing of a public appeal to the residents of Warsaw and become familiar with the commemorations’ schedule.

The conference will be attended by members of the Association of Warsaw Insurrectionists and the World Association of Home Army Soldiers, and also Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, Mayor of Warsaw.

To receive accreditations, journalists interested in providing media coverage of the event are kindly asked to complete a form (available here) by Thursday, 24 July 2014, 11:59 p.m., at the latest.

Details on the media coverage will be provided in a separate release.

The programme of the commemorating event, with the locations of the events on 30 July - 1 August, for which standard or pool accreditations are necessary, can be viewed here. From 29 July a Press Centre will operate in pl. Zamkowy in Warsaw.

On 1 August 1944, about 25 thousand poorly-armed soldiers of the Polish underground army joined the fight for freedom against the overwhelming German forces. Soon, their numbers grew to some 50 thousand. However, without any help from their allies, heavily outnumbered by the Nazi German troops, and facing severe casualties, the Polish command was forced to surrender after 63 days of continued fighting.

Nazi Germany, on the other hand, threatened by the incoming Eastern Front, threw into combat a large number of their finest troops. This effectively led to the destruction of the city and the widespread annihilation of its population. Overall, the Nazis murdered nearly 180 thousand civilians residing in Warsaw.

The Uprising fell through in military terms. Nonetheless, the tradition of our fight for independence has survived the efforts of Soviet propaganda. It was to prevail when 25 years ago, in 1989, Poland regained its independence.

For more information contact:

The Press Division of the City of Warsaw

Magdalena Łań

Phone: (22) 44 33 391


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Data publikacji 22.07.2014, 19:12
Źródło informacji The Press Division of the Capital City of Warsaw
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