
AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENTS EUROPE SA Execution of the buy-back programme between 25 August 2014 and 29 August 2014

29.08.2014, 20:04aktualizacja: 29.08.2014, 20:04

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Report 56/2014

The Management Committee of Automotive Components Europe SA (Company) herby informs that between August 25, 2014 and August 29, 2014, during trading sessions on the main market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, the Company purchased its own shares in the amount of 3 144, each having a nominal value of 0,15 € . Acquired shares give a right to 3 144 votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders and constitute 0,015% of the Company's share capital. The average price of purchased shares was PLN 11,71.

Since the commencement of the buy-back program the Company acquired in total 1 180 499 of its own shares. The total number of shares purchased during the current buy-back program give a right to 1 180 499 votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders and constitute 5,560% of the Company's share capital. The average price of purchased shares since the commencement of the buy-back program was PLN 12,76.

The Company acquires its own shares based on the share buy-back program commenced on July 1, 2013. The program was adopted by the General Meeting of Shareholders on June 18, 2013 (Current Report 36/2013) followed by a resolution of the Board of Directors (Current Report 40/2013) and by a resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 17, 2014 (Current Report 38/2014). The buy-back program was authorized for the period until June 18, 2016, or until the funds, in the amount of 5,5m euro, allocated for the execution of the program are depleted.

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Data publikacji 29.08.2014, 20:04
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