
CYFROWY POLSAT SA Information on convening an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company

19.12.2014, 15:35aktualizacja: 19.12.2014, 15:35

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Current report No: 75/2014

The Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A.(the "Company") hereby notifies that the Company's Extraordinary General Meeting is to be held on 16 January 2015, at 11.00 a.m. CET, in Warsaw, at the registered office of the Company at ul. Łubinowa 4A.

Agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting:

1. Opening of the Extraordinary GeneralMeeting.

2. Appointment of the Chairman of theExtraordinary General Meeting.

3. Drawing up an attendance list, confirmingthat the Extraordinary General Meeting has been properly convened and is able to adopt valid resolutions.

4. Appointment of the Ballot CountingCommittee.

5. Adoption of the agenda of theExtraordinary General Meeting.

6. Adoption of the resolution on the bondissue program of the Company.

7. Adoption of the resolution on theamendments to the Company's Articles of Association.

8. Closing of the Extraordinary GeneralMeeting.

Suggested amendments to the Company'sArticle of Association:

1. In Article 7 of the Company's Articles ofAssociation, immediately following Section 34, Section 35 shall be added reading as follows:

"35. activities of intermediaries and agentsorganizing the sales of electricity through distribution systems, operated by other entities."

2. In Article 11 of the Company's Articlesof Association, immediately following Section 3, Section 4 shall be added reading as follows:

"4. The Company may issue convertiblebonds."

3. In Article 14 of the Company's Articlesof Association, immediately following Section 3, Section 4 shall be added reading as follows:

"The Supervisory Board determines thedivision of responsibilities among the members of the Management Board."

4. Amendment of Art. 15.1 of the Company'sArticles of Association:

Current wording:

"1. The Management Board shall be composedof 1 (one) or more members, including the President of the Board and the Vice-President of the Board."

Proposed wording:

"1. The Management Board shall consist of 1(one) or more members, including the President and Vice-President or Vice-Presidents of the Management Board."

5. Amendment of Art. 16 of the Company'sArticles of Association:

Current wording:

"Art. 16. The following are entitled toissue statements on behalf of the Company:

- in the case of one person board - thePresident of the Board acting solely,

- in the case of a group board - thePresident of the Board acting solely, the Vice-President of the Board acting jointly with a proxy, or a member of the board acting jointly with a proxy."

Proposed wording:

"Art. 16. The following individuals shall beauthorized to make statements on behalf of the Company:

- if the Management Board consists of onemember - the President of the Management board, acting individually;

- if the Management Board consists of morethan one member - the President of the Management Board, acting individually; a Vice-President of the Management Board, acting jointly with a Management Board member or another Vice-President; two Management Board members, acting jointly; two Vice-Presidents acting jointly; a Vice-President, acting jointly with a registered proxy; or a Management Board member acting jointly with a registered proxy."

6. Amendment of Art. 24(j) of the Company'sArticles of Association:

Current wording:

"j) issuance of bonds,"

Proposed wording:

"j) issuance of convertible bonds orseniority bonds,"

The Management Board of the Company enclosesto this current report:

1. Notice of the Extraordinary GeneralMeeting prepared pursuant to Article 402(2) of the Commercial Companies Code.

2. Draft resolutions to be adopted by theExtraordinary General Meeting convened on 16 January 2015.

The Company makes all information concerningthe Extraordinary General Meeting available on its website at, subpage: Investor Relations, tab: General Shareholders Meeting/Materials.

More information on page:

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Data publikacji 19.12.2014, 15:35
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