
EU Leaders Invited to Further Strengthen European Unity via Interrail

21.08.2015, 17:56aktualizacja: 21.08.2015, 17:56

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Eurail Group G.I.E. invites EU leaders to experience renewed sense of European unity with a personal rail journey across Europe 

UTRECHT, the Netherlands, August 21, 2015/PRNewswire - Following the confirmation of Greece's future in the Eurozone, Interrail is extending an open invitation to current EU leaders to embark on an Interrail journey to continue to build on the spirit of European unity and live the "United in Diversity" motto of the European Union.


"We are warmly presenting Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande, Jean Claude Juncker, Mario Draghi, Christine Lagarde, Donald Tusk, Jeroen Dijsselbloem and existing leaders of all European countries the opportunity to experience the real Europe with a complimentary Interrail Global Pass for adults. In doing so, we hope to offer leaders the chance to freshly recall first-hand the European Union ideals of unity, solidarity and harmony," says Carlo Boselli, General Manager of Eurail Group G.I.E.

Mr. Boselli emphasises, "By inviting leaders to undertake their own Interrail journey we are ultimately inviting them to celebrate the values we all collectively share as part of the European Union."

Interrail authentically embodies the essence of a shared European co-operation, with borderless, unlimited rail travel across 30 European countries. Each year, over 220,000 European residents of all ages use Interrail to meet and engage with other likeminded people, alternative cultures, and learn about the rich history and diversity of Europe.

"Through our passengers we witness Interrail being a life changing experience, helping to build greater intercultural understanding and foster cross-cultural peace and prosperity amongst people living in Europe," said Mr. Boselli.

Eurail Group G.I.E. has written to leaders directly to provide the personal Interrail invitation. With a special two-year timeframe to undertake their own Interrail experience, the act serves as an expression to leaders to personally connect with the distinct, interwoven cultural fabrics that form Europe.

About Eurail Group G.I.E.  

For over 40 years Interrail has been connecting countries and travellers across Europe, giving explorers the opportunity and freedom to discover new cultures, history and the sights of Europe at an affordable rate. Created in 1972 as a unique train travel pass designed specifically for youth, the Interrail Pass is now used by more than 220,000 European travellers of all ages to access unlimited travel in 30 different countries in Europe annually. Established in 2001, Eurail Group G.I.E. is the organisation dedicated to the management of Eurail and Interrail products, for both non-European and European nationals respectively. Based in Utrecht, the Netherlands, Eurail Group G.I.E. is wholly owned by 36 railway and shipping companies. Visit for more information.

English version of the release is provided by Eurail Group G.I.E. and translations by a third party.

Source: Eurail Group G.I.E.

For further information and comment contact:

Nadine Koszler

PR & Communications Manager

Eurail Group G.I.E.

Phone: +31-(0)6-30-254-647


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Data publikacji 21.08.2015, 17:56
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