
GORENJE GOSPODINJSKI APARATI D.D. (58/2018) Disclosure of transactions effected by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely related to them

30.10.2018, 16:18aktualizacja: 30.10.2018, 16:18

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Report no 58/2018

Podstawa prawna: Pursuant to the provisions of the Rules and Regulations of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange d.d., Financial Instruments Market Act (ZTFI), Market Abuse Regulation, and the Corporate Governance Codes of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and Warsaw Stock Exchange, the company Gorenje d.d., Velenje, hereby makes the following announcement:

Issuer: Gorenje gospodinjski aparati, d. d. (abbreviated name: Gorenje, d. d.), Partizanska 12, 3320 Velenje

Article of the Market Abuse Regulation No. 596/2014 to which the disclosure of regulated information pertains: Article 19

Gorenje, d. d., has received notifications by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely related to them about the following transactions:

Jurij Slemenik, Supervisory Board member at Gorenje, d. d., from October 26, 2018, based on the entry of resolution regarding transfer of GRVG Shares of remaining shareholders to the main shareholder into the court register is no longer holder of 238 shares with the symbol GRVG, ISIN code SI0031104076 (transfer amounted to EUR 12 per share).

The company Hisense Luxembourg Home Appliance Holding S.á r.l., with its registered office at 6, rue Eugène Ruppert, L-2453 Luxembourg, Luxembourg (hereinafter referred to as Hisense), acquired on October 26, based on the entry of resolution regarding transfer of GRVG Shares of remaining shareholders to the main shareholder in to the court register, 998.417 shares with the symbol GRVG, ISIN code SI0031104076, at a price of EUR 12 per share. The notification pertains to a person closely associated with a person discharging managerial responsibilities. Hisense is an entity closely associated with Jianmin Han and Lu Hou who are directors of Hisense Luxembourg Home Appliance Holding S.á r.l., as well as Management Board members at the company Gorenje, d.d. and Liu Xin who is director of Hisense Luxembourg Home Appliance Holding S.á r.l., as well as a Supervisory Board member at the company Gorenje, d.d.

Disclaimer: The English text for all announcements is for information purposes only!

The information included in this announcement will be available at the official website of the company Gorenje, d. d., Velenje, at, for a period of no less than 5 years from the date of announcement.

Gorenje, d. d., Management Board

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Data publikacji 30.10.2018, 16:18
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