
Polityka i społeczeństwo

Plenipotentiary of the Government for Strategic Energy Infrastructure: Investment decisions for the Baltic Pipe project (statement)

30.11.2018, 10:55aktualizacja: 30.11.2018, 10:55

Pobierz materiał i Publikuj za darmo

- Plenipotentiary of the Government for Strategic Energy Infrastructure informed:

On 30 November 2018 investors – Polish OGP GAZ-SYSTEM S.A and Danish Energinet SOV – officially announced that they have taken positive investment decisions on the implementation of the Baltic Pipe project.

Adoption of positive investment decisions results in entering into force of the construction agreement concluded between operators. Construction agreement regulates the mutual obligations of investors, regarding, among others, obtaining permits necessary to implement the project and putting into service all its elements until October 1, 2022. Investors also agreed on the main provisions of future agreements regarding the operation of the gas pipeline.

The next important stage of the implementation of the Baltic Pipe project will be submitting applications for environmental decisions and construction permits for the gas pipeline. The first of them will be filed to the competent authorities in Poland, Denmark and Sweden in the first quarter of 2019.

The Baltic Pipe Project is recognized by the European Commission as a ‘Project of Common Interest’ (PCI). This status is granted to projects that strengthen the European internal energy market by reaching the EU’s energy policy objectives. The project already received EU financial support of EUR 51.4 million from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

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Data publikacji 30.11.2018, 10:55
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