
PCF GROUP SA (59/2023) Podjęcie decyzji o ograniczeniu zakresu Projektu Dagger - korekta raportu bieżącego nr 59/2023

28.11.2023, 19:23aktualizacja: 28.11.2023, 19:24

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Raport bieżący 59/2023

W nawiązaniu do raportu bieżącego nr 59/2023 z dnia 28 listopada 2023 r. Zarząd spółki PCF Group S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie ("Spółka") informuje, że wyłącznie w angielskiej wersji językowej powołanego raportu bieżącego popełniona została oczywista omyłka pisarska polegająca na błędnym odwołaniu się do Projektu Gemini zamiast do Projektu Dagger.

Trzeci punkt raportu bieżącego o treści:

"entrusting an experienced team of approximately 10 people with the task of redefining the direction of the game's development and preparing a preproduction version of a game addressing feedback obtained as part of the external evaluation of Project Dagger, which means the suspension of plans to release Project Gemini as a AAA game in the period 2025-2026, and"

powinien zostać skorygowany i nosić następujące brzmienie:

"entrusting an experienced team of approximately 10 people with the task of redefining the direction of the game's development and preparing a preproduction version of a game addressing feedback obtained as part of the external evaluation of Project Dagger, which means the suspension of plans to release Project Dagger as a AAA game in the period 2025-2026, and".

Pozostała treść raportu nie uległa zmianie. Poniżej Spółka przekazuje prawidłowe brzmienie angielskiej wersji językowej raportu bieżącego nr 59/2023 po korekcie:

"With reference to the current report No. 3/2023 of 31 January 2023 and current report No. 58/2023 of 24 November 2023, the Management Board of PCF Group S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (the "Company") informs that:

• after the delivery of a key milestone and evaluation of the implemented creative game concept for Project Dagger, as well as

• analyzing the impact of various scenarios being subject of, among others, strategic discussions with Square Enix Limited (the publisher of the game Project Gemini) about which the Company informed in its current report No. 58/2023 of 24 November 2023, on the development plans of the projects implemented by the Group within the updated Group's strategy revealed under current report No. 3/2023 of 31 January 2023,

decided to temporarily limit the scope of Project Dagger, implemented by the Company in the self-publishing model using its own funds by:

• entrusting an experienced team of approximately 10 people with the task of redefining the direction of the game's development and preparing a preproduction version of a game addressing feedback obtained as part of the external evaluation of Project Dagger, which means the suspension of plans to release Project Dagger as a AAA game in the period 2025-2026, and

• offering most of the team members the opportunity to work on the Maverick, Bifrost and Victoria projects."

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Data publikacji 28.11.2023, 19:23
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