
The LemON Tour of Syracuse Lemon PGI arrives at G7 Agriculture

26.09.2024, 08:40aktualizacja: 26.09.2024, 08:48

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SYRACUSE, Italy, Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The second leg of the LemON Tour, organized by the Syracuse Lemon PGI Consortium, will be held during EXPO Divination in Syracuse, Sept. 21-29, in conjunction with the G7 Agricoltura, scheduled for Sept. 26 and 27.

The Lemon Truck will be positioned in one of the most prestigious locations of the event, inside the courtyard in front of the Maniace Castle, a symbol of the city of Syracuse. Here, visitors will be able to discover the values behind the LemON Tour project, thanks in part to the information materials distributed and dedicated staff. The exhibition will focus on crucial issues, such as the sustainability of agricultural production and the fight against climate change, through virtuous practices such as improving soil fertility, using renewable energy and saving water, and protecting pollinating insects.

During the event, the audience of tourists and industry professionals will be able to learn more about the concept of “No-Waste”: the Syracuse Lemon PGI, in fact, thanks to its production specification, is a product that can be used entirely, including the peel. This anti-waste approach will be the leitmotif of the activities offered by the LemON Truck, where it will be possible to taste sorbets, granitas and lemonades made with Limone di Siracusa IGP.

This choice is not random: the event represents a unique opportunity to turn our gaze toward Europe and the future, highlighting the strong link between nature and tradition that characterizes the Syracuse Lemon PGI. The participation of the LemON Tour is part of a framework of events dedicated to sustainability and the protection of certified products, central themes of the global debate to be held during the G7 Agriculture. The Consortium is committed to promoting the defense of the identity and authenticity of the Syracuse Lemon PGI, in synergy with the guidelines of the European project that embraces sustainability and the protection of natural resources. This stage will also be an opportunity for discussion with other consortia and international organizations, fostering the creation of shared strategies for the protection of protected geographical indications (PGIs) and to promote sustainable agricultural production.

For further details:

SECNewgate Italia

Renato Pagani +39 335 6839561 - 

Giorgia Rizzi +39 340 0010762 - 

News about the Consortium for the Protection of Syracuse Lemon PGI

The Consortium for the Protection of Syracuse Lemon PGI is one of the most important citrus-growing communities in Europe. Formed on July 13, 2000, it includes 163 consortium members: 130 producers, 60 packers, 36 users and 62 ambassadors, for a vocated area of 1,450.91 hectares, representing 32% of Italian production. At the production level, the Consortium represents 100% of the production of Limone di Siracusa PGI, and at the national level 3 lemons out of 100 come from the Syracuse area. The Consortium's tasks include identifying the production areas and varieties to be subject to protection, supervising activities in the area of origin and in the markets on the correct use of the name “Limone di Siracusa IGP,” and carrying out promotional initiatives in Italy and abroad aimed at spreading knowledge, the image of the product and the IGP trademark.

Funded by the European Union. However, the views expressed belong to the author(s) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting administration can be held responsible for them.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at 


Źródło informacji: GlobeNewswire


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Data publikacji 26.09.2024, 08:40
Źródło informacji GlobeNewswire
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