
Zlecone: Key qualification: Nanotechnology

28.02.2011, 14:18aktualizacja: 28.02.2011, 14:18

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A new interdisciplinary course provides specialised knowledge greatly in demand

Nanotechnology is one of the key technologies of the 21st century. It is already of immense significance in medicine as well as industry. Together with the Vienna University of Technology and the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna, Danube University Krems has developed a postgraduate Master’s program in nanobiosciences and nanomedicine which imparts interdisciplinary and practice-oriented knowledge in this sub-speciality. The course will start in the autumn of 2011.

Three universities are contributing their specialised knowledge to the outstanding and modular organized part-time "MSc NanoBiosciences & NanoMedicine". Danube University's networking with the Vienna University of Technology and the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna has made it possible to develop a unique curriculum. The Master's programme will address interdisciplinary requirements and opportunities in the field of nanotechnology. "Nanosciences possess an enormous potential as regards medicine, the economy and society at large. We want to prepare experts for their forthcoming tasks by providing an integrative concept of teaching and research, at the same time promoting the creation of innovative jobs," says one of the co-founders, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dieter Falkenhagen of Danube University Krems.

Curriculum and Target group

In addition to imparting basic knowledge in the fields of biophysics, biochemistry, genetics, microbiology and molecular biology, the course will encompass revolutionary approaches in tumour therapy, tissue and organ substitution, drug delivery systems, the biotolerability of materials, sensor technology and the use of nanoanalytical methods. Also the risks of nanotechnology will be discussed and reviewed critically. This six-semester Master's program addresses executives, researchers, developers and decision-makers in the fields of natural and engineering sciences, particularly biology, the pharmaceutical industry, and medicine.

For more information click:


Sabine Siebenhandl

Danube University Krems



Źródło informacji: APA-OTS

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Data publikacji 28.02.2011, 14:18
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