
CYFROWY POLSAT SA Appointment of a new Member of the Management Board

31.07.2014, 17:58aktualizacja: 31.07.2014, 17:58

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Current report No: 60/2014

Appointment of a new Member of the Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A.

The Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A.(the "Company") hereby informs that on July 30, 2014 the Supervisory Board adopted a resolution appointing Mr. Tobias Solorz to the position of Member of the Management Board as of September 1, 2014. Following the registration of amendments to the Articles of association of the Company by the appropriate Court, Mr. Tobias Solorz will take up the position of Vice-president of the Management Board.

Since February 2014 Mr. Tobias Solorz holdsthe position of President of the Management Board of Polkomtel Sp. z o.o. Since November 2011 he was a Member of the Management Board of Polkomtel S.A. (currently: Polkomtel Sp. z o.o.).

He has may years of professional experiencein the telecommunications, financial and controlling sectors. He began his career in 2003 at Telewizja Polsat S.A. (currently Telewizja Polsat Sp. z o.o.). Between 2007 and 2008 he held the position of Promotion Manager at Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. Between 2008 and 2010 he was a Member of the Management Board ofSferia S.A., where he thencontinued asMarketing, Advertisement, Sales and Operations Director until March 2011.

Mr. Tobias Solorzis a graduateof the Facultyof Management and Marketing at the University of Warsaw.

Mr. Tobias Solorz does not run a businesscompetitive to the business of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. and is not entered into the Registry of insolvent Debtors held by the Registry Court.

More information on page: biznes.pap.plkom espi pif/

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Data publikacji 31.07.2014, 17:58
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