
CYFROWY POLSAT SA Resolution of the Management Board of the National Depository for Securities on conditional registration of series I shares and series J shares

08.05.2014, 09:15aktualizacja: 08.05.2014, 09:15

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Current report No: 41/2014

The Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A.(the "Company") hereby announces that by its resolution No. 454/14 of 7 May 2014, the Management Board of the National Depository for Securities (the "NDS") resolved to register in the depository of securities:

(i) up to 47,260,690 ordinary series Ibearer shares in the Company with a nominal value of PLN 0.04 each (the "Series I Shares") and assign to them the code PLCFRPT00013, subject to the company operating a regulated market passing a decision on the introduction of these shares to trading on the same regulated market on which other shares of the Company, bearing the code PLCFRPT00013, have previously been introduced to trading, and

(ii) up to 243,932,490 ordinary series Jbearer shares in the Company with a nominal value of PLN 0.04 each (the "Series J Shares") and assign to them the code PLCFRPT00021, subject to admission of these shares to trading on the regulated market.

The registration of Series I Shares shalltake place within three days from the day on which the NDS receives documents referred to in § 17 section 3 of the Detailed Rules of the NDS and a decision of the company operating the regulated market on introducing of such shares to trading on the same regulated market on which other shares in the Company bearing the code PLCFRPT00013 have previously been introduced, however, not earlier than on the day indicated in such decision as the date of introducing to trading of such shares.

The registration of Series J Shares shalltake place within three days from the day on which the NDS receives documents referred to in § 17 section 3 of the Detailed Rules of the NDS and the documents confirming the admission of such shares to trading on the regulated market.

Information on the registration of Series IShares and Series J Shares under the PLCFRPT00013 and PLCFRPT00021 codes, respectively, will be provided in the form of a current report once an announcement to this effect is received from NDS.

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Data publikacji 08.05.2014, 09:15
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