

26.09.2014, 14:16aktualizacja: 26.09.2014, 14:16

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Current report No: 18/2014

The Management Board of ELEKTROBUDOWA SA inform that on 25 September 2014 the Company received a communication from Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne Allianz Polska S.A. managing Allianz Polska Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny further referred to as OFE and managing Allianz Polska Dobrowolny Fundusz Emerytalny further referred to as DFE, notifying that in result of merger of OFE Warta and Allianz Polska OFE which took place on 19 September 2014, the share in the share capital and total number of votes in ELEKTROBUDOWA SA on the accounts of Allianz Polska OFE and DFE increased, to exceed 5%.Before the merger, 299 730 shares of ELEKTROBUDOWA SA had been recorded in the accounts of OFE, OFE Warta and DFE, representing a 6.31% share in the Company's share capital and conferring the right to 299 730 votes representing a 6.31% share in the total number of votes in the general meeting of the Company.After the transaction, balance of the account of OFE and DFE increased to 299 730 shares of the Company, representing a 6.31% share in its share capital and conferring the right to 299 730 votes having a 6.31% share in the total number of votes in the general meeting of the Company.

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Data publikacji 26.09.2014, 14:16
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