
ING BANK ŚLĄSKI SA Registration of amendments to ING Bank Śląski S.A. Charter.

08.05.2014, 15:57aktualizacja: 08.05.2014, 15:57

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Current report No: 16/2014

2013-05-08 Report No. 16/2014: Registration of amendments to ING Bank Śląski S.A. Charter.

The Management Board of ING Bank Śląski S.A. hereby give notice thatunder the Decision of the District Court for Katowice-Wschód in Katowice, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, of 28 April 2014 (received on 07 May 2014) the amendments to the Bank Charter as passed under Resolution No. 24 of the General Meeting on 10 April 2014 were registered.

The registered amendments to the Charter include:

- amendment to §8 section 2, item 11)

The current wording of §8 section 2, item 11):"11) issuingpayment cards and making operations therewith"

The new wording of §8 section 2, item 11):11) providing paymentservices,"

- amendment to §8 section 3, item 11)

The current wording of §8 section 3, item 11):"11) providingunderwriting, leasing, factoring and forfaiting services as well as intermediation in respect of those services, and also insurance brokerage and acquisition activity for open-end pension funds,"

The new wording of §8 section 3, item 11):"11) providing otherfinancial services, including:a) underwriting services,b) leasing services,c) factoring services,d) forfaiting services,e) intermediation in respect of services set out in items a) to d) above,f) insurance brokerage,g) agency in securities lending and borrowing,".

The notice of resolution adoption was published in current report no.11/2014 of 10 April 2014, in the part pertaining to Resolution No. 24 of the Ordinary General Meeting.

Legal grounds: §38 section 1 item 2) of the Ordinance of the Minister ofFinance of 19 February 2009 on current and periodical information provided by securities issuers and conditions for recognising as equivalent the information required by law of a non-Member State (Journal of Laws Journal of Laws of 2014, item 133).

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Data publikacji 08.05.2014, 15:57
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