
ING BANK ŚLĄSKI SA Results of the Asset Quality Review, or AQR, and of the Stress Tests

26.10.2014, 14:56aktualizacja: 26.10.2014, 14:56

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Current report No: 22/2014

2014-10-26 Report No. 22/2014:

Results of the Asset Quality Review, or AQR, and of the Stress Tests for ING Bank Śląski S.A.

The Management Board of ING Bank Śląski S.A. (the Bank) herebycommunicate the results of the asset quality review and stress tests for ING Bank Śląski S.A. The review was conducted by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority for 15 Polish banks and was consistent in terms of methodology with the review of the most important Eurozone banks conducted by the European Banking Authority, or EBA.

The key results of the asset quality review, or AQR, and of the stresstests for the ING Bank Śląski S.A. Group are as follows:

1. Common Equity Tier 1 (CET 1) ratio as at the 2013 yearend: 15.50%,2.Common Equity Tier 1 (CET 1) ratio with AQR results as at the 2013 yearend: 14.85% (the threshold of 8%),3. Common Equity Tier 1 (CET 1) ratio with AQR and stress tests results for the baseline scenario: 15.52% (the threshold of 8%),4. Common Equity Tier 1 (CET 1) ratio with AQR and stress tests results for the adverse scenario: 13.66% (the threshold of 5.5%).

The results of the baseline and adverse scenarios refer to lowestcapital level over the 3-year period (2014 -2016) considered in the stress tests.

Review results confirmed the solid capital position of ING Bank ŚląskiS.A. Group. For all the scenarios, the capital ratio of the Bank is third in terms of value among the banks being reviewed.

Legal grounds: Article 56 section 1 item 1) of the Act on PublicOffering and Terms and Conditions of Introduction of Financial Instruments into the Organised Trading and on Public Companies.

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Data publikacji 26.10.2014, 14:56
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