
New International Coach Federation Video Spotlights Slovenian Credential-Holder

10.06.2014, 16:20aktualizacja: 10.06.2014, 16:20

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ICF Associate Certified Coach Janez Hudovernik Shares the Story of his Credential Legacy in Latest ICF Video

LEXINGTON, Ky., June 10, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Janez Hudovernik is a runner, an Executive Coach and a father of six. He is also the only coach in Slovenia to hold an International Coach Federation (ICF) Credential.

Hudovernik, an ICF Associate Certified Coach, shares the story of his coaching journey in the second video in ICF's Credential Legacy series. The video is posted on ICF's Credential Legacy microsite at and on YouTube.

In the video Hudovernik shares his belief that "coaching is the leadership style of the future." He also welcomes viewers into his home and describes how coach training and the pursuit of an ICF Credential have changed his approach to parenting. "I would recommend that any parent become a coach," he says.

"By earning an ICF Credential, coaches like Janez demonstrate their quality and integrity," said ICF Executive Director and CEO Magdalena Mook. "In a marketplace where the term 'coach' is used rather freely, ICF Credential-holders exemplify the skills and experience of a professional. An ICF Credential is a clear signal for clients to expect quality service and excellence."

The video series is the latest component of ICF's ongoing Credential Legacy Campaign, which spotlights testimonials and industry research illustrating the numerous personal and professional benefits associated with the pursuit and achievement of an ICF Credential. The first video, featuring ICF Professional Certified Coach Julia Mattern (USA), premiered in March 2014. ICF will premiere additional videos that tell the diverse stories of ICF Credential-holders from around the world throughout 2014.

The International Coach Federation is the leading global organization for coaches, with more than 19,000 members and 12,000 credentialed coaches in more than 100 countries worldwide. ICF is dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high ethical standards, providing independent certification and building a worldwide network of credentialed coaches. Coaching is a distinct service and differs greatly from therapy, consulting, mentoring or training. ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. For more information, please visit our website at



Abby Tripp Heverin

phone +1.859.219.3529


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Data publikacji 10.06.2014, 16:20
Źródło informacji GlobeNewswire
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