
Opteck's New Ground Breaking Mobile Platform

09.01.2017, 10:37aktualizacja: 09.01.2017, 10:37

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LIMASSOL, Cyprus, January 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ - Opteck, the leading online trading broker, has invested heavily in new technology as it expands to acquire new global markets and increase its client base in existing markets. The broker launched a revolutionary new mobile app; a significant development and a major addition to Opteck's award-winning desktop trading platform. Its successful launch is the culmination of a long research and development process and represents a major triumph for Opteck.


Opteck succeeded in creating the ultimate mobile trading tool and has truly excelled in delivering an industry-leading product. Designed for all major smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, the new mobile app offers real-time Binaries and CFDs trading under 1 wallet and gives investors a fully regulated trading environment on over 1,000 global assets (stocks, forex, commodities and indices). The app meets the challenge of displaying a full dashboard style trading platform on smaller mobile screens with no loss of functionality or efficiency. Integrated features include one-click trading, price alerts, risk management tools and advanced portfolio reports. There is also an integrated charting package that allows for detailed technical analysis.

A primary design requirement of the new mobile app was that it should be user-friendly. Traders can navigate the mobile platform with ease and open trades in just seconds, using the new one-click trading feature. In addition, traders can download a range of educational eBooks to their mobile devices in PDF format.

Opteck was one of the first brokers to recognize the full potential of mobile trading and is continuing to allocate a substantial budget to research and development. A major goal is to anticipate developments in mobile device technology and be the first to offer trading innovations that match new hardware.

The new 2017 app is completely free to install and will be a centerpiece of Opteck's advertising campaigns during the following year.

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Legal Disclaimer: Financial trading risks the loss of all your invested capital.

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Source: Opteck


Opteck (Central Spot Trading Ltd.)


Head of Back Office

phone: +357-22-007264

fax +357 25 344 470



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Data publikacji 09.01.2017, 10:37
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