
PGNiG SA - Annexes to the domestic Note Issue Programme

08.08.2014, 18:39aktualizacja: 08.08.2014, 18:39

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Current report No: 99/2014

Warsaw, August 8th 2014

Annexes to the domestic Note Issue Programme

Current Report No. 99/2014

The Management Board of Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo S.A.

("PGNiG") announces that on August 8th 2014 annexes 3 ("Annexes") were

signed to the Note Issue Programme of June 10th 2010 (the "Programme"),

as amended by Annex 1 of July 21st 2011 and Annex 2 of November 25th

2011. The Note Issue Programme documentation includes a Guarantee

Agreement and an Agency and Custody Agreement. The Annexes were executed

to both these agreements.

Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A., Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski

S.A., BNP Paribas S.A. Polish Branch, ING Bank N.V., Bank Zachodni WBK

S.A., Société Générale S.A., Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A., and mBank

S.A. act as Guarantors under the Programme.

Under the Annexes, the term of the Note Issue Programme has been

extended, with the final redemption date postponed from July 31st 2015

until July 31st 2020.

Notes will be issued to raise funds that will be used to meet the

Company's day-to-day financial needs and to finance PGNiG's investment

projects implemented in pursuit of the PGNiG Group's strategy.

See also: Current Report No. 30/2010 of June 10th 2010, Current Report

No. 106/2011 of July 21st 2011 and Current Report No. 161/2011 of

November 25th 2011.

More information on page:

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Data publikacji 08.08.2014, 18:39
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