
PGNiG SA Response of the PGNiG Management Board to a Shareholder's request forinformation about the Company

16.04.2014, 17:14aktualizacja: 16.04.2014, 17:14

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Current report No: z plikiem 52/2014

Warsaw, April 16th 2014

Response of the PGNiG Management Board to a Shareholder's request forinformation about the Company

Current Report No. 52/2014

Acting pursuant to Art. 428.6 of the Commercial Companies Code, theManagement Board of Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA ("PGNiG" or the "Company") gives the following response to an enquiry submitted on April 14th 2014, outside of the General Meeting, by Aviva Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny Aviva BZ WBK, a Shareholder, requesting information about the Company and the Extraordinary General Meeting convened for April 24th 2014.


What is the legal basis for assuming that the restructuring, to be putto vote at the General Meeting, and the trading operations of PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny Sp. z o.o. will allow the Company to meet the exchange sale requirement without any reservations from the Energy Regulatory Office (URE)? Does the Company have its own legal interpretations, or a confirmation from the URE, indicating that the exchange sale requirement can be met by such trading? If so, is it possible to obtain those interpretations?

Is it possible that the change in the Company's organisational structurewill be the only consequence of the proposed restructuring, given that the URE may not accept such trade between PGNiG and PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny Sp. z o.o. as a proper way of complying with the new regulations?

Appendix 1 - Response

See also: Current Report No. 31/2014 and Current Report No. 32/2014 ofMarch 15th 2014

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Data publikacji 16.04.2014, 17:14
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