
PKN ORLEN Supervisory Board new members

15.05.2014, 18:50aktualizacja: 15.05.2014, 18:50

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Current report No: 167/2014

Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A. ("PKN ORLEN", "Company") announces that the PKN ORLEN Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on 15 May 2014 appointed to the Supervisory Board Mr. Adam Ambrozik and Mr. Radosław L. Kwaśnicki.

Additionally the Ministry of the State Treasury acting on behalf of the shareholder the State Treasury, according to § 8 item 2 point 1 of the Company's Articles of Association appointed to the Company's Supervisory Board Mr. Maciej Bałtowski with effective date of 15 May 2014.

Mr. Adam Ambrozik

Counselor of the Minister. He holds the position of the Director of the Department of Restructuring and Public Aid at the Ministry of the State Treasury. He supervises the companies under restructuring, as well as oversees issues related to providing support and public aid from the entrepreneurs restructuring fund and the Industrial Development Agency.

In the past his duties included ownership supervision and implementation of new business projects in a private capital group. In addition, he served for five years as Secretary of the Tripartite Commission for Socio - Economic Issues on behalf of non-governmental organization Employers of Poland. He graduated in law at the Catholic University of Lublin and Marketing and Management at the Technical University of Lublin.

Mr. Radosław L. Kwaśnicki

Legal adviser, Managing Partner at RKKW Legal Office - KWAŚNICKI, WRÓBEL & Partnerzy. Specializes in commercial law, capital market law and legal proceedings. In 2011 Mr Kwaśnicki received a prestigious recommendation of Global Law Experts as the only one Polish lawyer in commercial law, in 2010 he was also distinguished in commercial law by the European Legal Experts and appointed by Legal 500 in commercial law and M&A, where it was said that "Mr Radosław Kwaśnicki is an effective manager and guardian. Mr Kwaśnicki advices companies from energy, mining, FMCG, pharmaceutical and building sectors." Domestic and international arbitrator. In 2010 - 2012 President and next Vice President of the Permanent Conciliation Court at the Circuit Chamber of Legal Counsel in Warsaw (currently Arbitrator of that Court). Since 2010 Arbitrator of Arbitral Tribunal at Polish Chamber of Commerce and Arbitrator of Arbitral Tribunal at Polish Confederation Lewiatan, and also Arbitrator of International Arbitral Tribunal at the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris.Mr. Kwaśnicki gained an experience in corporate supervision as a member of supervisory boards of companies operating in different sectors, including public companies and financial institutions. Member of the Polish Institute of Directors, listed as a candidate for Professional Members of Supervisory Boards of the Polish Institute of Directors.

Attendee of legislation and strategic works connected with development of commercial law. Editor and author, and co-author of several handbooks and law comments, as well as over three hundred other publications and speeches devoted to practical aspects of commercial law, member of editorial team "Commercial Law Monitor". Lecturer at classes for legal advisers trainees (the Circuit Chamber of Legal Counsel in Warsaw), lecturer in many seminars and conferences dedicated to commercial law.Fluent in English and German.Runs a blog dedicated to commercial law "Business law - law in action".

Mr. Maciej Bałtowski

Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics in UMCS (Maria Curie Sklodowska University) in Lublin. Between March 2008 and June 2013 he was a Member of the Supervisory Board at PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna SA. Previously a member of the supervisory board in many companies, among others Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Wschodni Bank Cukrownictwa S.A. in Lublin (1998-2000) and Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Lubelska Fabryka Wag FAWAG SA (2001-2003).He is an author of 8 books and many articles and expert opinions dedicated to transformation and privatisation of Polish Economy and ownership supervision. Between 2001-2003 an expert at the State Treasury Committee in Parliament, co-author of a bill concerning the State ownership supervision. Since November 2010 a Member at the Council of the Supreme Audit Office.

The elected members of the Supervisory Board are not involved in any activity competitive with PKN ORLEN and are not partners of any competitive company.

They are not members of any board of a competitive capital company and are not on the list of insolvent debtors kept on record on the National Court Register Act.

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Data publikacji 15.05.2014, 18:50
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