

07.04.2014, 18:32aktualizacja: 07.04.2014, 18:32

Pobierz materiał i Publikuj za darmo

Current report No: 114/2014

Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN Spolka Akcyjna ("PKN ORLEN") hereby informs about the results of series E bonds offer ("Bonds"), issued within the public bond issue programme ("Programme"), included in the prospectus approved by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority on 24 May 2013.The subscriptions of 2 000 000 offered Bonds were conducted from 2 April 2014 (inclusive) to 3 April 2014 (inclusive). The offer was not divided into tranches. The allocation of the Bonds was made on 7 April 2014.During the subscription period 820 Investors made subscriptions on 2 453 401 Bonds. PKN ORLEN allocated 2 000 000 Bonds to 819 Investors. In accordance with the provisions of prospectus PKN ORLEN reduced subscriptions made from 2 April 2014 (inclusive) to 3 April 2014 (inclusive). The average reduction rate amounted to 18,48%.The Bonds were acquired at issue price amounted from PLN 100,00 to PLN 100,01 depending on the day of subscription.No underwriting agreement was signed by PKN ORLEN in connection with the offer of the Bonds.The value of issue, defined as the number of Bonds which were offered multiplied by the issue price, amounted to PLN 200 002 784,09.Information regarding fixed costs incurred for all Programme PKN ORLEN published in regulatory announcement no 221/2013 dated 14 June 2013.The total costs of the bonds issue, the costs of preparing and conducting the bonds offer, the costs of promoting the bonds offer and the average cost of the offer per one offered bond PKN ORLEN will publish in separate regulatory announcement after last issue of bonds conducted within the Programme. See also: regulatory announcement no 221/2013 dated 14 June 2013.

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Pobierz materiał i Publikuj za darmo

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Data publikacji 07.04.2014, 18:32
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