
SERINUS ENERGY INC. Annual Information Form of Serinus Energy Inc.

01.04.2014, 01:05aktualizacja: 01.04.2014, 01:05

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Current report No: 13/2014

Legal basis: Other regulations

Pursuant to Article 62.8 of the Act of 29 July 2005on Public Offering [...] the Management of SERINUS ENERGY INC. ("Serinus" or the "Company") provides market with attached the Annual Information Form of the Company ("AIF") for the year ended 31 December 2013 with respective supplements. The AIF has been filed with the SEDAR system in Canada. The Polish translation of the document is enclosed to this current report.

Pursuant to Canadian regulations (under National Instrument NI 51-102)Serinus must file an AIF no later than 90 days from its fiscal year end. The scope of information required to be covered by the AIF was described in the Company's Prospectus (prepared in connection with the IPO on the WSE).

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Pobierz materiał i Publikuj za darmo

Data publikacji 01.04.2014, 01:05
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