
TALANX AG List of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of voting rights exercised at the Annual General Meeting of Talanx Aktiengesellschaft on 8 May 2014

14.05.2014, 16:18aktualizacja: 14.05.2014, 16:18

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Raport bieżący 2/2014

Postawa prawna: Art. 70 pkt 3 Ustawy o ofercie - WZA lista powy¿ej 5 %

Legal basis: Article 70 item 3) of the Act on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies dated 29 July 2005 (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2013 No. 1382)

The Board of Management of Talanx Aktiengesellschaft hereby submits the list of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of voting rights exercised at the Annual General Meeting (the "AGM") on 8 May 2014:

Shareholder I


Number of votes at AGM: 199.800.000

Percentage of votes at AGM: 86,27

Percentage of the total number of votes: 79,04

Shareholder II


Number of votes at AGM: 16.393.442

Percentage of votes at AGM: 7,08

Percentage of the total number of votes: 6,48

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Data publikacji 14.05.2014, 16:18
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