
Zlecone: Scientific evidence: more active office environments pay off

14.12.2011, 13:00aktualizacja: 14.12.2011, 13:00

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Millions of office workers lead too static lives, only moving to operate the keyboard and mouse. However, this causes metabolic dysfunction, muscle atrophy and frequently back pain. Research shows that particularly frequent, varied and small movements are very healthy. Naturally flexible office chairs, encouraging movement in sedentary office environments, appear to be a solution.

The Centre for Health at the German Sport University Cologne has scrutinised the effects of three-dimensional seating. Office furniture manufacturer Wilkhahn appointed it to perform a field study on whether this new concept really does boost well-being and performance. The 12-week study was carried out with 80 people in an office complex. The subjects continued working at their desks as usual. The only difference: from the start the trial group only used ON chairs with Trimension(R), Wilkhahn-developed, three-dimensional movement mechanics.

Standard scientific tests identified concentration skills and the subjective feeling of well-being. Measurements were taken when biorhythms are lowest (3 p.m.) and when the poorest level of concentration is expected.

The results are clear: the ON group improved significantly after just three months. The index value for concentration performance rose to the standard value of 50. Concentration accuracy jumped to an excellent 87. And at an index value of 74, concentration consistency showed constant strides. Some 58 per cent stated that their feeling of well-being had improved due to the chair - which tallied with the objective measurement criteria. But the control group remained at the below-average to average level expected for the time of day and achieved by both groups at the start.

In other words: three-dimensional, dynamic seating is used, is beneficial - and pays for itself very quickly!

For detailed information about the study, go to

Picture is available at:


Burkhard Remmers

International Communications

tel. +49(0)5042 999-169

Źródło informacji: APA-OTS

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Data publikacji 14.12.2011, 13:00
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