
Value Instruments from Rohde & Schwarz deliver high-quality test and measurement performance at low prices

07.08.2013, 11:01aktualizacja: 07.08.2013, 11:01

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Rohde & Schwarz test and measurement solutions stand for top quality, accuracy and innovation. The comprehensive portfolio of general purpose measuring instruments shows that these solutions do not always have to be expensive. For this reason, Rohde & Schwarz and its HAMEG Instruments subsidiary now market a range of favorably priced test and measurement equipment bearing the new joint "Value Instruments by Rohde & Schwarz" label.

Rohde & Schwarz has grouped products from its basic range of precise, reliable and cost-effective instruments under the Value Instruments label. In addition to spectrum analyzers and oscilloscopes, the Value Instruments portfolio includes EMC precompliance products as well as power supplies from Rohde & Schwarz and its HAMEG Instruments subsidiary.

The Value Instruments is the premium provider's way of addressing not only large corporations, but also specifically those users from medium-sized companies who in the past found Rohde & Schwarz products too expensive. Roland Steffen, Head of the Test and Measurement Division and Executive Vice President at Rohde & Schwarz, explained, "In development departments of large electronics companies and also in small service labs, the task at hand does not always involve highly complex measurements, and users do not always need high-end T&M solutions. What they need is reliable, precise, general purpose measuring equipment. It is exactly here where Rohde & Schwarz comes in with its Value Instruments. The products offer practical features, good measurement characteristics and ease of use. And they are also ideal for limited budgets."

The instruments are available through the tried and trusted direct sales network, authorized distributors as well as the R&S Surf-In webstore available in certain countries.

For more information, visit

Source: APA-OTS

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Data publikacji 07.08.2013, 11:01
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