
Zlecone: International Sports Security Conference in Doha is unique - Qatar is the first country to initiate international sports security dialogue

10.03.2011, 18:47aktualizacja: 10.03.2011, 18:47

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Key conclusions of the 1st International Sport Security Conference, Doha 9-10th March 2011

Cross reference: Picture is available via epa european pressphoto agency and can be downloaded free of charge at:

Doha, 10th March 2011 - The Qatar Minister of State for Internal Affairs opened the 1st International Sports Security Conference in Doha (Qatar) that has taken place on March 9th and 10th, by welcoming 150 VIPs in the worlds of sports and security to Qatar. The Minister highlighted the importance of gathering in this conference for the first time key decision makers and experts in sports and security to share their expertise over the World in Doha. The Minister remarked the key importance of security with a very clear statement: "There is no sports without security".

The conference was a great success in terms of attendance given the high-level of responsibility and expertise of the attendees. Participants hold key positions in International Sports Institutions, law enforcement agencies, and government / public sector, and private security companies. As Lord John Stevens, Chair of the Conference, mentioned "the people in this room together has in aggregation more than 3.500 years of experience. If we cannot push forward the thinking and reach some conclusions, then who can?".

There was very animated debate during the two days of the conference. The key takeaways included:

a) The need for cooperation across agencies, sports, and geographies

b) The importance of international institutions and agencies that may act as a liaison between experts

c) The need for a relentless fight against integrity breaches (e.g. doping, illegal gambling, match fixing)

d) The need for a flawless communication of the security aspects, both to international institutions when bidding for events, and to the general public to secure attendance for the event

e) The need for a more fluent dialogue with the athletes regarding security

During the first day of the conference, the creation of the International Centre of Sports Security (ICSS) was announced to the conference delegates by Mr. Mohammed Hanzab, President of QIASS. The ICSS will be a non-for-profit institution in the world of sports and security, whose mission is "To enhance security and safety in the world of sport, by proactively addressing real issues, and providing best-in-class training, research, and tailored consulting in sport security".

As Mohammed Hanzab, President of the International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS) said: "thank you for sharing your insights and expertise during the conference. After the conference, we are very encouraged by the consensus on the need for more cooperation across sports and geographies. This is the vision we had when we started working on the ICSS, and we are glad that your thoughts have confirmed our ideas about the need for an institution like the ICSS". In addition, he stated: "we hope you to come back to the conference next year and to share with you our own insights. You have given us light in this process, and it is only fair that you come back in a year to share the results".

The ICSS also announced yesterday (March 9th) the appointment of Helmut Spahn (former Head of Security for Germany 2006 FIFA World Cup and current Head of Security for Germany Football Federation) as the new Executive Director of the ICSS starting September. Mr. Helmut Spahn showed his enthusiasm for this new professional challenge and promised Mohammed Hanzab to give his best effort to fulfill the ICSS’s vision.

In addition, the ICSS also announced yesterday (March 9th) the creation of its Advisory Board. The Advisory Board will provide advice the President of the ICSS on the strategic directions of the Centre. The first members of the Advisory Board of the ICSS, also announced today, will include:

i. Lord John Stevens (former Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police),

ii. Ali Soufan (CEO of The Soufan Group),

iii. Rick Parry (former CEO of Liverpool FC and The FA Premier League),

iv. Peter Ryan (Head of security for Sydney 200 Olympic Games), and

v. Eric Drossart

Finally, the ICSS announced cooperation with the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2011 in Germany


For media enquiries relating to the 1st International Sports Security Conference please contact the Head of International Liaison & Communication at +97-466892-188

For more information please see

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Notes to Editors:


The organizer of the conference, Qatar International Academy for Security Studies (QIASS) is a professional institute serving to raise security standards, knowledge and cooperation within the Gulf region and across the world. Clients are prepared for the complex challenges of today's world through exceptional training and innovative techniques, by facilitating excellence in education and research and by forging lasting security partnerships across nations and cultures.

Źródło informacji: APA-OTS

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Data publikacji 10.03.2011, 18:47
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