
Anvis On Course for Growth

26.06.2014, 11:41aktualizacja: 26.06.2014, 11:41

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TRI becomes Sumitomo Riko.

STEINAU, Germany, June 26, 2014/PRNewswire/ - The parent group of the German Anvis Group, one of the leading providers of vibration control components and anti-vibration systems, is getting a new name. In a meeting of the Board of Directors held on 19 June 2014, the Japanese company took the decision to change its name from Tokai Rubber Industries (TRI) to Sumitomo Riko as of 1 October of this year. "This step is part of our global strategic corporate development '2015 TRI Group Vision,'" explains Olaf Hahn, CEO of the Anvis Group. The plan is for the group to increase its turnover from over 3.3 billion EUR today to in excess of 7 billion EUR by 2020. With 13 locations around the world and as a full subsidiary of the company, the Anvis Group is contributing to this growth and aims to double current turnover to over 600 million EUR.

Long version:

Source: Anvis Deutschland GmbH


Anvis Deutschland GmbH

Karl-Winnacker-Str. 22a

36396 Steinau an der Straße


Press contact:

Guido Stanovsky

phone +49-6663-9128-121

fax +49-6663-9128-4121

mobile +49-151-1881-0714


Source: PR Newswire

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Data publikacji 26.06.2014, 11:41
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