
Acquisition of assets carrying significant value by a subsidiary of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A.

08.07.2014, 10:03aktualizacja: 08.07.2014, 10:03

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Current report No: 57/2014

The Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A.(the "Company") hereby announces that on July 7, 2014 an indirect subsidiary of the Company, i.e. Plus TM Group Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowo-akcyjna ("Plus TM"), acquired 29 interest-bearing bearer bonds of series 1/2014 (the "Bonds"), issued in favor of Plus TM by an indirect subsidiary of the Company, i.e. Polkomtel Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością ("Polkomtel").

The Bonds were issued in the form of adocument. The Bonds are unsecured. The nominal value of one Bond amounts to PLN 10,000,000 (ten million zlotys) and is equivalent to the issue price of one Bond, whereas the total nominal value of the Bonds amounts to PLN 290,000,000 (two hundred ninety million zlotys) and is equivalent to the total issue price of the Bonds. The book value of the Bonds in the accounts of Plus TM amounts to PLN 290,000,000 (two hundred ninety million zlotys).

The interest rate of the Bonds is determinedbased on the interest rate being the sum of the WIBOR 6M base rate and the margin. The maturity date of the Bonds is December 31, 2020.

The acquisition of Bonds was financed byPlus TM with its own funds.

The Company holds indirectly, through itssubsidiary - Metelem Holding Company Limited - 100% shares in Polkomtel and 100% shares in Plus TM. There are the following personal links between the Company and Polkomtel: Mr. Dominik Libicki is the President of the Management Board of the Company and the Management Board member of Polkomtel, while Mr. Heronim Ruta and Mr. Zygmunt Solorz - Żak are members of the Supervisory Boards both of the Company and of Polkomtel.

Polkomtel holds 100% shares in Plus TM andconcurrently 100% shares in Plus TM Group Sp. z o.o., a general partner of Plus TM (the management board of the general partner is the same as that of Plus TM). There are no other links between Polkomtel and Plus TM.

The criterion of constituting at least 10%of the value of the revenues of the Company's capital group for the last four financial quarters was applied to determine that the Bonds shall be deemed assets of significant value.

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Data publikacji 08.07.2014, 10:03
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