
BANK ZACHODNI WBK SA Inside Information - the results of AQR and stress test

26.10.2014, 13:08aktualizacja: 26.10.2014, 13:08

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Current report No: z plikiem 54/2014


Subject: Inside Information - the results of AQR and stress test of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A.

Current report no. 54/2014


The results of an asset quality review (AQR) carried out by the EuropeanCentral Bank (ECB) and the results of stress tests carried out by the ECB in cooperation with the European Banking Authority (EBA) as at 31st December, 2013 were released today. At the same time, the Financial Supervision Commission in Poland has released the results of its AQR and stress test covering 15 banks in the Polish banking sector.

The AQR and stress test results confirm that Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. (BZWBK) operates with capital adequacy ratios significantly exceeding the requirements of the regulator, is financially stable and has very high resilience to adverse economic conditions.

At the end of 2013 BZ WBK's Core Tier 1 ratio was 12.55%, well above therequirements of the Financial Supervision Commission which sets the minimum Core Tier 1 level at 9%.

The post AQR adjustment to Capital is not material and equates to animpact of 0.53% to the BZ WBK Group's Core Tier 1 capital ratio. Combining the AQR and stress test results (under severe adverse conditions) together, the BZ WBK Group's Core Tier 1 ratio increases by 1.19%.

Mateusz Morawiecki, CEO of BZ WBK commenting on the results of tests,said that "These results confirm the financial strength and high resistance of the bank to negative financial conditions. The results do not surprise us, because as the third financial group in Poland, we regularly review our risk profile and build our position based on conservative risk foundations. In recent years, the bank has significantly increased it capital, and, inter alia, thanks to the conservative, prudent policy achieves stable success."

Management Board of BZ WBK encloses to this current report the resultsof AQR and stress tests of BZ WBK.

Legal basis:

Art. 56 section 1.1 of the Act on Public Offering, the ConditionsGoverning the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and on Public Companies.

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Data publikacji 26.10.2014, 13:08
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