
BANK POLSKA KASA OPIEKI SA Decision of Polish Financial Supervision Authority on acquisition of Spółdzielcza Kasa Oszczędnościowo Kredytowa named Mikołaj Kopernik (Nicolaus Copernicus) in Ornontowice by Bank Pekao S.A.

05.12.2014, 19:59aktualizacja: 05.12.2014, 19:59

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Current report No: 27/2014

Management Board of Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A. ("Bank Pekao") informs that on 5th of December 2014 Polish Financial Supervision Authority has taken unanimous decision on taking over of Spółdzielcza Kasa Oszczędnościowo Kredytowa named Mikołaj Kopernik in Ornontowice ("SKOK Kopernik") by Bank Pekao.SKOK Kopernik operates through 41 branches located in the south-western part of Poland. According to the financial statement as of 30 June 2014, SKOK reported total assets at the level of PLN 353 million, including net loans of approximately PLN 200 million and total deposits at the level of PLN 453 million.Transaction will be realized with full support of Bank Guarantee Fund, both in terms of donation, covering the difference between amount of SKOK guaranteed deposits and assets, and full guarantee for existing loans.Bank Pekao, which is one of the leading banks in Poland, has decided to consent to the acquisition of SKOK Kopernik, driven by care for safety and stability of the financial sector in Poland.Legal grounds: Art. 56 section 1 point 1 of the Public Offering Act - Confidential Information

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Data publikacji 05.12.2014, 19:59
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